Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Gladys Bermudez- Past Life Regressions, Reiki, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, and More...

Rosy Season 1 Episode 7

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Greetings, my name is Gladys Bermudez, I’ve found my passion in helping people like yourself to expand your consciousness and raise your awareness. It is truly an honor for me to be a part of your soul growth and healing.

I specialize in doing Past Life Regressions and Usui Reiki since 2014.  I practice a variety of methods both in person or online, I also conduct sessions in English and Spanish.  I am certified and dedicated practitioner of the following techniques: Introspective Hypnosis Healing, R.A.A.H Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing, A.U.R.A Hypnosis Angelic Healing, and others. 

QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon

is a style of hypnosis created over a span of approximately 45 years by the late and wonderful Dolores Cannon. Her career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world resulted in a unique technique where a client is able to access not only past, but future and parallel lives, but the highest part of consciousness. QHHT focuses on the concept that each client will go to their most appropriate time and place to explore the information or self-healing they seek.

BQH – Beyond Quantum Healing

BQH is a heart and energy-based healing modality. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models, but with a great many important and distinctive differences. BQH promotes creative and individualized approaches, allowing each practitioner to utilize any techniques and skills they have gathered over their lifetime. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so shifts may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I am able to utilize any additional energy healing modalities at my disposal that I feel will be beneficial and I do this complimentary as part of the session. Some of these additional energy healing modalities that will be available to you, as part of your session include Reiki and crystals.BQH is presented in a way to assist clients not only in person but also via the internet using video conferencing programs. 

Group Regression is for a number of people to experience a lite regressive state. A great way to sample a regression to a past life, meet your spirit guide or guardian angel and a future life, all in one session. The Subconscious knows what is best for the client. First, you are regress to a past life and see different scenes/memories of that life, then you get t

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