Quantum Alchemist Master ™
The Quantum Alchemist Master podcast encourages the listeners to Alchemize their life by looking within. It captures conversations exploring our human existence, and beyond…
Focusing on Existentialism, Spirituality, The Hero’s Journey, & Multidimensional Development: A Philosophy of Freedom and Connection. Becoming, expanding our awareness and consciousness through intentional acts of creation and dialogue. Every conversation is a chance to empower one another, sharing perspectives that shape how we see ourselves and the world.
Allowing ourselves to be FREE to explore, bring our authentic self, voice, story, expertise, and experiences that are unique mirrors & contributions to the world. Sharing it with intention, with LOVE, & coming back to the HEART together in community to the remembrance of our essence and our True Self as ONE!
Every conversation is an opportunity to recognize and honor each other's freedom and individuality. Combining these lessons with modern practices to improve our lives and positively impact our multiverse. Offering support, inspiration, and opportunities to grow. Let's co-create something extraordinary together!
Host Rosalia Quintana is a Nurse Practitioner, Artivist, Alchemy & Integration Coach. Creator of the ZEBRA Self Healing Method. Learning beside each of you and sharing her own insights and perspectives while the journey unfolds, taking a step and trusting that the bridge will appear. Honoring the #bluebutterflymission
To watch the video versions of these interviews click below:
Quantum Alchemist Master ™
Ayeisha Dondiz Villa-Licensiada en Kinesiologia y Fisioterapia. Rehabilitadora de cuerpo y alma entre otros...
Ayeisha Dondiz Villa
-Licensiatura en kinesiologia y Fisioterapia U.N.C
-Postgrado en inteligencia emocional- Universidad del Belgrano- A cargo de Nora Dominguez
-Maestria en registros Akashicos- A cargo Daniel Camurri
-Maestria en metodo Usui tradicional y tibetano- A cargo de Maricel Solinas
-Master Magnified Healing- A cargo de Beatriz Vazquez
-Programacion Neurolinguistica- A cargo de Gustavo Godoy
-Maestria en Reflexoterapias- A cargo de Ezequiel Saavedra
-Comunicacion Conciente-A cargo de Hector Del Valle
-Instructorado Yoga Vital
Para contactar:
IG: https://instagram.com/ayeisha.terapias?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ayeisha.dondiz.9?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Libro Magos Creadores de la realidad
Magos creadores de la realidad es un libro de sanación y trasformación personal , es un pequeño botiquín de primeros auxilio espiritual que Usa el poder de la palabra y la oración.
Son herramientas para abordar los temas más importantes que preocupan a las personas EL AMOR, LA ECONOMIA, SALUD Y LOS BLOQUEOS ENERGÉTICOS O TRABAS Y OTROS CONOCIMIENTOS PARA AYUDAR EN EL PLANO ESPIRITUAL.
Rosalia's (Host) latest book:
Becoming Your Own Quantum Alchemist Master:
10 Year Worldwide Peace Treaty Request:
Please Sign the petition: https://bit.ly/44s86aC
FREE GIFT TO OUR AUDIENCE: Guided Ascension Breathwork Meditation Sessions Series: A Gateway to Awakening! https://www.quantumalchemistmaster.com/breathwork-meditation-sessions
The Zebra: Guided Self Healing, Alchemy, & Transformation Method
A different approach to Limitations, Trauma, Addiction & Life.
Collapse all timelines, access the root cause, Akashic Records and the Quantum field for Lasting Self Alchemy, Healing, Transformation, & Manifestation.
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