Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Miosotis (Mio) Santana- Certified Transformational Trainer and Thetahealer

Rosalia Season 2 Episode 2

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Miosotis (Mio) Santana is a Transformational Guide committed to helping those who are rescuers go from unhealthy recurring patterns and negative self-talk to healthy boundaries and practices that improve their relationships and their quality of life. She combines inner child healing, spiritual intuitive guidance and mindset work to remove unconscious blocks that keep you from living happy and fulfilled lives.

Mio is a certified Transformational Trainer and Thetahealer and has been an active student of transformational work for over 10 years and a teacher of spiritual work since 2018, the same year that she founded her company, Divine Journey.
Divine Journey is a successful transformational program based on the methodology she used to transform her own life. In 2020, she launched Resilience: A Breakthrough Journey to Self-love, a successful 8-week virtual group coaching program for women, in 2021 she created a five-day transformative women’s retreat called Rebirth and in 2022 she launched a self-mastery group coaching program called Divine Journey Mastery.  She is based in Miami, FL where she spends her time experiencing life and all its magic, while empowering others to do the same.

You can find her by visiting www.miosantana.com or IG @Mio_Santana.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome Mio to the Quantum Alchemist Master Podcast. It's a pleasure to have you. How are you doing today?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. Great I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, and where are you joining us from today, because I really love to hear that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm in Madrid, spain, today. It's beautiful here. It's cold, but it's beautiful. What's the temperature there? It's like 38 degrees, oh man.

Speaker 1:

How did that change? From Miami hitting you, you're doing okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's. You know you need to. It's an adapt. You know I'm adapting, but it's good, you know you just have to layer. That's the main thing. It's got a layer.

Speaker 1:

So it's nice, you and I know each other from different events here in the community and so on, but I feel like we never really sat down to kind of know a little bit about you on like on your backstory and how you got started on this path and and so on. I don't even think I know where are you Cuban. I don't even know where you're from. So tell us a little bit, whatever you want to share.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, yeah, I am Cuban. I'm actually Cuban American. My parents are Cuban and I was born in Miami, florida. So my parents left when they were younger Around, when the whole communist thing was starting. They were able to leave pretty early. They met when they were in Miami and then it's when I was born.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, born and raised in Miami, you know, went to college, studied English literature, wanted to be a writer, got into the normal, like through organic kind of osmosis, I got into event coordinating and event planning at an early age and I started my own company doing that for a few years. Then, because of my English literature background, I got into communications and public relations and marketing and so that kind of all merged together into my career and then eventually I started my path of self, self work and inner transformation, because I had spent the majority of my life miserable, unhappy, experiencing depression, experiencing social anxiety, anxiety disorder in general, you name it. It was just a really unhappy place to be. I felt really isolated. You know I was the type of person that I could be surrounded by people and smiling and, you know, having drinks and having a great time, but inside I was empty and lonely and miserable and anxious, and I just didn't know what it was until I started to go deeper and deeper and realize that biggest wound that I was carrying was the wound of when my parents divorced when I was four years old. So they separated when I was four and when my dad left, I didn't know, I was a little, I was little, I was four years old. I didn't know what you know what it really meant, but what I made it mean for me is that my dad didn't love me and that's why he left. So I was carrying that throughout my entire life.

Speaker 2:

So it would come out in my relationships with men, it would come out in my relationships with bosses, it would come out in my relationship with friends. It was, it was the unworthy conversation. I'm unworthy of love, I don't deserve love, I'm not good enough for you to stick around. So let me just sabotage it now so that I can have the control, so that I can have the power and say that I made you leave instead of you left because you didn't love me.

Speaker 2:

So you know, just kept repeating those patterns and they got louder and louder and louder and more uncomfortable and more uncomfortable, until I finally had to wake up and realize that this is not the life I wanted to live and I needed to, to make a change within me. I. What I realized is that the common denominator in all those situations with me, you know, because it was very easy to point the finger and be the victim for many years. I was a victim for many, many years, and so I finally realized that I was the one that was in all of those situations and I had to. You know, when you're pointing the finger, there's three. There's three fingers pointing back at you.

Speaker 1:

You know, I was very comfortable there, just to kind of really Accentury what you just said Because, just like yourself, myself and I'm sure many people that are gonna be listening to this, we are so quick, so quick to judge others, so quick to point the finger, so quick and it is so hard and I'm not judging myself I have learned to have love and compassion for myself and how I viewed life at that point. But it's so. We're always outside, outside of us, and we never stop to look within, right, the children, the career, the stat. We never, never stop to look inside. So I just wanted to kind of put a little parentheses there and invite everybody to look within. It's okay to feel, it's okay to revisit the wound. It's okay to ask questions. It's okay to ask why you're repeating the patterns your grandmother, your mother, you are repeating, right? So sorry, it caught you off. I just thought it was important to kind of put a little focus into that.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead Absolutely, yeah, no, because it's hard. Let me tell you it was hard for me. I ran away from myself for years, over 20 years of my life I was running. I was running into the arms of other people, I was running into projects that didn't work for me. I was running into businesses and companies that weren't suited for me because I was just searching, searching, searching for anything outside of myself, because I was scared to see myself.

Speaker 2:

I was scared to see the truth, or see that, or get the confirmation that I'm right, that I am unworthy. Nobody wants to get the confirmation that you are unworthy, so you run from it. But what, in reality? What I ended up realizing after so many years is that that was just a perception that I had of myself. That wasn't the truth. So what I was running away from was an illusion, it wasn't the reality. And so when I was able to finally find that, that peace and that's what I helped my clients do is really realize that you are whole, perfect and complete. You are a divine emanation of God, you are here to fulfill a purpose and maybe you're purpose.

Speaker 1:

There's my baby. I told you it was gonna happen at some point. Angel, be nice, so we can do the podcast. Go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

And maybe your purpose cause a lot of times people are saying what's my purpose? I don't have a purpose. I don't know what my purpose is and, honestly, your purpose can be just living, just being in your body and living your day, day to day and being in the present moment and enjoying your relationships, enjoying your life, enjoying the food you eat, enjoying experiences. That is your purpose as a human being. Now, if you find a higher purpose, if you find a passion, something that you love to do, a self-expression, great, do it, express yourself, write, read, dance, sing, do a craft, do whatever it is that comes to your heart. But you know.

Speaker 1:

Do a little, go a little deeper into what you just said, Okay. So I just kind of want to break that down because, like many people, I also started to look, and you just put it so simple, right. So I really want to infatuate the simplicity of what you just said. Okay, because I've looked for God's source of a nation, presence, spirit, whatever however you want to call it, doesn't matter, that's not the point. Okay, that awareness and that consciousness, right, experiencing that spirit, having the human experience. And we tend to look for that everywhere, everywhere, right, and it is so simple, I mean literally, I've done so so many things Like you wouldn't even believe. And just to come back to simplicity, to the present moment, to knowing that you're the awareness of the experience, the observer of it, right, and how, this new information or this new ever-changing perspective, how you channel that through art, through whatever form of expression. It's beautiful, but it was never so hard and so far away. And, like you just said, we're being in the hole, as you are, as your core being of love right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that's the thing Exactly. It's beautiful, but here's the thing when we're unconscious of it, when we're unawake you know they talk about waking up when you're unawake, when you're asleep, basically, you don't realize that you are the observer who's having the experience. So you are so in the experience and you are so caught in your ego and your body. Basically, you're so caught up in your body's experience and your ego's experience that you don't realize that you are the observer who's watching the experience happen. And so that's another thing I work with my clients is like really understanding the ego, the body and the spirit and how all of that ties in together. But once you're able to finally see yourself as the observer and that comes through the breath, it comes through meditation, it comes through silence, it comes through, you know, doing these different practices you're able to start seeing. It's funny, because I call it like. It's like a slow motion moment, where you're in the experience, it's happening, and then you're looking at everything almost like in slow motion, because you're observing yourself doing whatever it is you're doing and you're starting to make new choices. You're starting to say, oh no, I don't wanna react like I used to react. I don't wanna react from a angry place or from a frustrated place. I wanna choose love, I wanna choose peace, I wanna choose happiness, you know. And then you start making new choices while the experience is happening.

Speaker 2:

You know, I always say there's three levels of mastery. There's the first level is the situation happened in the past and you're looking back and you're saying, oh darn it, I could have done this, I could have done this differently, I could have, you know, replied this way or changed. You know this way and you're looking at it from the past. The second level is you're in the experience. It's happening, like I just said, and you're making new choices while the experience is happening. Instead of making the old choices, you're making new choices. And the third and highest level of mastery is the experience hasn't even happened yet and you're already going into it transformed. You're already transforming the experience just by your way of being and just by how you're stepping into it. It just transmutes it as you step into it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, let's pause, because I love every time you say I mean everything you say. I just wanna go deeper, but we'll do a pause here. Wow, embody that consciousness as much as possible and choosing love as much as possible. I certainly go out of the pendulum oof tons of time, but through and our work, through all these practices, some of which you just mentioned breath work being one of my favorites, meditations being one of my favorites, and unknown time journaling all of these things really changes your perspective or helps you. There are amazing tools to kind of help create neuroplasticity and help create new like, make conscious of the choices that are running in the background of the programming.

Speaker 2:

So just kind of wanna Right. Well, they bring you to the present moment, they center, you, listen, just because you and I are practitioners, facilitators, teachers. I come across this every day. If it wasn't for my practices, I would be the same as everybody, I would be just floating around, sleeping and everything. But I come back to my practices every day, every day, every day. It's consistency with your practices, it's coming back to the present moment, it's centering yourself, it's breathing, it's remembering who you are.

Speaker 1:

Could you share with us what some of those practices are for you or like, maybe what your morning or evening routine looks like, and then I'll share some of mine, so that way maybe we can give the listeners a little bit of an idea of all the weird stuff we do, which are awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no. Well, I mean, my work is never done. I live and breathe this work. My life is transformation. So not only do I teach it and create programs and guide people in doing it, but I'm always in the search and in the movement myself, in the movement of transformation. Even after this talk that we're having, I'm gonna have a hypnosis session for myself. So I'm constantly doing different things. But in general, my practices, my morning practices, are I'm a student of the Course in Miracles, so I read that every morning and I meditate for about 30 minutes minimum a day in the morning sometimes longer if I have time and I'll do my readings and I'll do my prayers in the morning and then throughout the day. There's little moments where I reflect back to those readings and to what opened up for me in that morning session. I'll refer back to that Sometimes. I'll take a picture of it and refer back to it throughout the day, because we need reminders. We're human beings. We need reminders.

Speaker 1:

Thank goodness.

Speaker 2:

Just because I teach this work doesn't mean that I don't forget it. I forget all the time. I get into my physical, I get into my ego all the time, and it's good to have that reminder to come back to In the evening times. I'm more about self-care rituals for me in the evening. So it's anything having to do with taking care of my body, giving myself what I need, eating something healthy, whether it's giving myself a massage, putting on lotion on my feet and putting on cozy socks and reading a really good book and things like that that fill my soul and that make me feel good and cozy, is what I tend to do in the evening times. But and then I'm also in addition to that I'm also just always doing things like I'll go to like I went to your breath work session. I'll go to like I went to Michelle Alva's sound healing session the other day. I go to sound healings, I go to breath work, I go to hypnosis. I go to all different kinds of modalities because they all support in different ways. So it's really finding what suits you, what works for you, and being open and being curious. Always stay curious, because you never know. You never know what'll be that thing that'll just like click for you and open up another door that you didn't know was there, that you could go into and like.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like cleaning house. It's like you go into the dark closet and you like clean the cobwebs. There's so many of those little hallways in our mind and in our consciousness that we can go into, and so different modalities help you reach different aspects. There's four quadrants of the mind. There's the super conscious, the subconscious, the conscious and the unconscious, and so primarily we're driven by the subconscious. Sometimes we're unconscious. We think we're driven by the conscious mind, but our conscious mind has very little to do with anything, and so the subconscious mind is where all the cobwebs are. So if you could get in there any way you can, I highly recommend. It's not gonna be the easiest, the easiest ride, but it'll be worth it. Once you get those cobwebs out and you do the spring cleaning, if you will Cause, then you'll be able to have more clarity in your life or focus and more direction.

Speaker 1:

So again, let me pause and go into kind of break things a little. First, I wanna commend you and I love that about you that you are very real I know not to name anyone in particular, but I know many people and spirituality or in this kind of sector where it's I'm an end all be all, know all type of perfect being source, although you are, we're all learning, right, we're all. And being open, being curious, right, not limiting yourself just because you've been doing whatever it is for 20 years doesn't mean something else cannot support you or is not equally as valid of a practice, right? I think it's always important to kind of listen to your soul and to what resonates with you and kind of go with that. All the books you read, all the seminars, all the courses, all the practices, they should essentially be leading back to you, not to the outside.

Speaker 1:

That's my take on that. So thank you for being vulnerable about all of it, like it's a ride, right, A crazy one too. So thank you so much for that, for that vulnerability and being vulnerable. It is one of the hardest things I feel, or at least it was for me and still let us sometimes being able to be vulnerable and making it public too. Right? That takes a lot of courage, so thank you so much for doing that. I don't want people to think like, just because we embody this and we do this every day, like, oh, you're perfect, you're never off balance, you're never questioning yourself or doubting yourself, or we're just like you.

Speaker 1:

That's it From a different lens, from a different perspective and trying to share whatever it is that comes across in our journey. Just sharing. Maybe it can motivate, empower, help whatever somebody in their journey. So that's what it's all about. Tell me a little bit about what it is, either that you're doing, projects you have upcoming, or what are you up to now. What are you up to now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, you know, just real quick to touch on what you said, it's so powerful because, you know, oftentimes people will think that I have it all together or that you know, nothing happens in my life. Nothing negative or nothing bad happens because I do this work and I have all these tools. It's, on the contrary like I come across issues all the time, every day. You know it's a constant journey to constant path. You walk on, but the key is to have the tools. You know, and as many you know, I'm a reader. Like I said, I'm an age literature major. I've read, so I've read every single book you could imagine. I devour books. But there comes a certain time that you could read as many books as you can, but that's all, it's all theoretical, it's all in your mind and you read it. But how many times have you read a book that's so good, that's so transformational, and you put it down and you go on with your life and you don't apply anything? That's in the book? You know, you even take notes, you even highlight, but you don't apply anything. And so how many times I did that in my life throughout the years, until finally I realized that I needed to go outside myself and find someone who was a few steps ahead of where I was, someone who had achieved something that I hadn't achieved yet, someone who had reached a level of peace that I hadn't achieved yet, and seek them out. You know, seek them out. That's the only way that I was really able to transform my life. If I would have stayed in my same little you know circle, my same little hamster wheel, I would have never able, I would have never been able to learn the new tools that I needed to learn to implement and create the consistency and the discipline, through mentorship, through coaching, through guidance, that I needed to really uproot the things that were holding me back and really get to the bottom of things and transform my life. That's why I'm so. I was taught how to go deep into the root and that's why I go deep into the root with my clients. And so, to answer your question, that's what I do. I basically I created this, this coaching call. It's a one time coaching call called the pattern interrupter, where we go really deep into the root of the patterns that you've been playing in your life and figure out why, and you get a really huge breakthrough for yourself. In this call. You realize why you've been replaying a certain pattern, whether it's in relationships, whether it's in your jobs and your career, in your, in your friendships, whatever that may be, in your health maybe, and you have a huge breakthrough. From that the person can decide if they want to work with me.

Speaker 2:

On a deeper level, I have a program called the Resilience Self Love Program. It's an eight week virtual program Right now. It's for women and I call it a mini bootcamp for self love. So any of you listening out there if you think you know what self love is, I guarantee you you don't, because there's so many misconceptions about self love out there and there's so many things that talk about and purport that self care is self love. But it's really really a lot deeper than that and in this program we go into the emotional, the physical, the spiritual, the mental. It's holistic, it goes into everything in terms of what self love is and you really transform yourself from within. And then, with the inner child that's one of the foundations of my work is going into the inner child and healing that three year old, that four year old, that five year old that had that experience, like I did when I was four years old and my parents divorced. You know, if it wasn't for inner child healing, I wouldn't be where I am today, and so we really implement that in the program. We implement all kinds of things. You know, mirror work we we say is mirror work, which is super powerful. That woman has an incredible body of work. We're a master, so we apply that as well in the program and it's an. It's such a revolutionary program. You know, most of the people that take that program they come out saying that they're experiencing freedom for the first time in their lives, and so I'm really proud of that. I call that, like my, you know, my grand opus. Like you know that that program is really, really special to me. It's it's something that really lights me up and I really love to do all the time. Right now I have a program. I have a group of women going through the program. I have three women that are participating right now and I'm just so excited for them because they're starting the year off with this work and they're really making transformation for themselves.

Speaker 2:

And then I created because, you know, I noticed that women were taking the self love program and that then they were seeking more, they were asking me for more and they wanted. They needed more like integration and accountability and discipline to really apply the tools that they learned and really make it more of you know, more long term. And I realized, because I'm on the journey of self mastery, that I needed to create a self mastery program, and so that's what I did. I created a six month self mastery program where, after you do the self love program, you go into self mastery and it's a. It's a. It's a greater scale conversation. It's a. It's a higher level conversation and we really dive into the eagle. We dive into that observer that we were talking about earlier. We dive into universal law, spirituality, you know, vibration, frequency, energy, which are all the things I love to talk about. We talk about feminine and masculine energy. We also talk about family medicine and energy in the self love program as well. So you really get to understand yourself from an energy standpoint and how to and how to navigate your energy and how to transmute and alchemize energy, which I'm really passionate about.

Speaker 2:

And then, once you do that, it's like you develop a tool kit. I call it develop your own toolkit. There's some tools that work better for you than others in some tool you know. So you create, you pick and choose the tools that you want from all the things that I teach you, and then you have those for the rest of your life, because my goal is that you don't keep coming back to me. I don't want you to keep coming back to me. I wanna empower you to be the best version of yourself and to be self-expressed, fully self-expressed for you to walk through life knowing who you are, knowing what you want and being able to express yourself fully. And so if I could do that, you know my work is done. So, yeah, so that's what I'm doing now and I'm also doing currently in Miami, florida.

Speaker 2:

We did the first one a month ago, about a month ago, at Olm Beach Yoga. It's a little yoga studio on H Street in Liberal Havana. We're gonna be doing bimonthly circles called cosmic healing circles, where I'm partnering up with a yoga instructor there, tatiana Bezer, and we're doing like a three, four-hour workshop, really holistic, really intense work, to really, like you know, break patterns and get people shifting into the direction that they wanna go in. When's the next? So that's pretty much it. Thank you so much. The next one's gonna be in February. Do you know the date yet or not yet. No, actually I don't know the date. I don't know the date.

Speaker 1:

I should have had it already by now, but I've been traveling and what I'll do is I'll put your Instagram, your social media, your website, all that stuff on the description on the podcast. So stay tuned, guys. I'm signing up. I don't know about you guys, but I love, you know, working, interacting with Mio, learning from her. She's a wonderful teacher, mentor. So, yeah, I'll stay tuned to and we'll text each other. Just let me know when's the next one I'll be there. That's so cool. I'm so happy for your projects. I always love supporting spreading the word because you really do embody the work that you teach and that you do. So that's amazing. Thank you so much for all the good stuff you've shared. I really hope it can empower, it can make an impact on the listeners' life when they really take in the words and the frequency that you emit with your teachings and what we've shared here today. So thank you so much, mio. It's been an honor to have you. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh my gosh, thank you. And you know, just for anyone listening out there like when I was really in the thick of it, when I was really in the darkest time of my life, you know, the one thing I kept saying to myself is there has to be a better way, there has to be a better way, there has to be a better way, and I never gave up on that. So really, I'm just speaking to anyone out there who's hurting, who's in the darkness, who's asleep, who doesn't know the answer, who's in a loop. Just keep stepping forward, keep moving forward. Reach out to one of us, reach out to people around you and your community, just keep seeking, because you will find the way. I promise you you will find it. Just never give up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a beautiful message. To kind of wrap things up, could you share, just in case people are listening and don't have time to read the description or something? Your Instagram or social media website, whatever you wanna share?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Thank you so much. So you can reach me on Instagram at MioMio underscore Santana S-A-N-T-A-N-A. So that's Mio underscore Santana. You can find me right there on Instagram and then you can find me on my website at wwwmio Santanacom. Again, that's M-I-O Santanacom. Awesome, thank you, mio. Thank you so much, rosie. This has been such a pleasure. I'm so honored and I love all the work that you do. Keep on doing what you do. It's bringing so much light into the world. I'm so grateful to be your sister, to be on this path with you, and thank you for thinking of me for this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

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