Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Heceliza: Reiki, Intuition Teacher, Breathwork and Sound Healer

Rosalia Season 2 Episode 5

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Heceliza is a Reiki and Intuition Teacher and Breathwork and Sound Healer. After leaving her corporate job in fashion and advertising in NYC, she became a serial entrepreneur while living in countries such as Bali, Mexico, and Costa Rica, connecting with the land, culture, and traditions of the people, learning other healing modalities to use in her practice along the way. She loves guiding generational cycle breakers to connect deeply with their energy and intuition to achieve inner peace, balance, and clarity. Through her intuitive guidance, she empowers others to release what no longer serves them, embrace the unknown with confidence, and embody their most empowered and authentic selves.

Free quick meditation-activation to connect with your energy and intuition. https://www.heceliza.com/free-meditation

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https://www.facebook.com/heceliza.energyhealing; https://www.instagram.com/heceliza_energyhealing/; https://www.linkedin.com/in/heceliza-perez-034756bb

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Speaker 1:

welcome jesalisa to quantum alchemist master podcast. A pleasure to have you. How are you doing today?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you, rosalia, for having me doing good, I'm sure I would actually love to dig in a little bit into your own hero's journey, um, and hear a little bit about um, how you got to where you are today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I think this will would go back to. I was you know how many seven years, eight years ago, living in New York city, maybe living there for five years. That was my dream. I'm born and raised a Cali girl, california, but moved to New York in my early right, when I turned 30, actually to work in fashion corporate fashion, did that. So I was working in fashion and advertising New York City. That was my dream. And then a few years into it, it was the.

Speaker 2:

I had this epiphany moment, I guess, in a big meeting, that what I thought I cared about before didn't matter to me anymore. I wasn't helping the world. One fashion handbag at a time, you know, and like the amount of influencers or how many followers this model had, or that you know. I thought that was exciting before and it just, you know, I lived it, did it and it wasn't. And my partner and I then also started to travel a lot more. But he was an entrepreneur so he could always, at the drop of a dime, be like let's go here, the flights are cheap, and I'm like I have 20 days of designated you know vacation time, of designated vacation time, so I have to be picky. So it was kind of. After that realization too, I was just like how can I be anywhere in the world, wake up and just do work from my laptop?

Speaker 2:

So that was the first start into this serial entrepreneurship journey of where and living in places like Europe and around Asia brought us to really finding a second home in our heart in Bali, and so we started to spend a few months every year in Bali. Like the first was five days. That was our intro. Our friend was living there and you know I didn't really know much of Bali back then. I thought it was just a place for people to go on their honeymoon. I really didn't know the big wellness yoga community because, also, being in New York, I wasn't you wouldn't catch me meditating for anything like 10 years ago. You know I'm like fast paced, living on my adrenaline, not realizing I needed things like that to help reset my nervous system. But so we went for five days to Bali. The next year we came back for two months. The following year we came back for six months, so, and we really saw that there was back then really a growing digital nomad community, so a lot of people working online, whether what any online type of business.

Speaker 2:

And then through that I was starting to go to all these workshops, classes that weren't just yoga, which back then for me I thought of it as more of a physical exercise, but I started to explore breathwork classes, meditation classes, and through breathwork and sound baths I just really would get vibrationally it's raising your vibration but afterward I would just be so be shaking. And this was in my first verse, you know, when I was starting to get into all of these modalities, and it was in a breathwork workshop where somebody came and placed their hands on me and my nervous system instantly just like calmed down and I was like, what did you do to me? And they're like we were giving you Reiki do to me, and they're like we were giving you reiki. And so I'm like, if I can learn a hands-on technique where I can just calm my nervous system down anytime, I wanted to sign me up, I want to learn and that was kind of my first introduction into learning an energy healing modality.

Speaker 2:

That and it was purely just for my own I guess selfish reasons then, just to really work with on myself own.

Speaker 2:

I guess selfish reasons then, just to really work on myself and self-soothe, just tap in and also, coming from being in New York and like just working in and living in my masculine for so long and in a high adrenal state, I didn't realize how disconnected I was from my body, my feelings, how disconnected I was from my body, my feelings, my intuition, and so really this, the start of this Reiki journey, and now, over the years, I've really, you know, tapped in.

Speaker 2:

I'm so in tune with myself, the consciousness around me, everything that we've forward all the way to today, where now I'm a Reiki teacher and I'm actually a breathwork facilitator. So that is something recent where I realized my, you know, introduction into all of this was this three hour long breathwork workshop and something where I realized, oh, it came full circle. Finding the right teachers at the right time where breathwork and then teaching other people how to be their own healer, be their own, you know, they are their own medicine. That's really important to me to put that empowerment into other people's hands, versus relying on other people to help them heal. Today of now, this year, really pushing forward with teaching, you know, launching a program to help guide other people to strengthen their own healing abilities and their intuition.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're gonna dissect everything that you're sharing with us, but to kind of go with the whole thread of everything, why don't you go ahead and tell us a little bit about that program? What does that look like?

Speaker 2:

So the program kicks off because, first and foremost, I am a Reiki teacher. So it kicks off with a, let's say, Reiki level one and typically, if you look for it online, a Reiki level one, you can learn it in one weekend. And so, yes, I think that's great, but I think I wanted to, you know, help deepen other people's practice. Cause when I learned Reiki it was like here, here's this, your, your hands are attuned, now go and practice on your own and figure it, kind of figure it, you know, you just kind of left on your own. So I just think, um, you know, I want to make a program available for those that maybe want to meet weekly also with other students that are in the journey themselves, because I think when I first started on my energy, energy healing practice, that was like my deep dive into personal growth, my spiritual journey journey too. And as you do that, you realize the people that you've known for a long time or maybe friends from your twenties, your thirties, coworkers even are not in the same, you know headspace and you would like to be on this journey with other liked minded individuals. So I think people also starting at the same capacity, same level, is nice to have you know, a cohort together and then just taking them through weekly on other tools and practices to add on to their Reiki learning. So whether that's also anything that deals with helping them to work with their own energy tapping in.

Speaker 2:

So we do a lot of ancestral work, tapping into that, even a little touch on human design, because for those people that have heard of human design, it's really working with your energetic blueprint how to best use your energy. Because we're all not you know the same, yet we were conditioned. Maybe you're conditioned and taught. You know, and your parents maybe treated you the same as your brother or sister or cousins or your caretakers or the school, when we're all very different, unique individuals. That intuition, practice, right, Having classmates to practice that, with a little more guidance on exercises and ways you can enhance and strengthen that muscle Sounds very cool.

Speaker 1:

I really love that support like handheld along the way, especially for the newbies. How many weeks is that?

Speaker 2:

That's 12 weeks, so it's about it's a three month program.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. I feel like that's a good enough time where you feel like, okay, I'm ready to go on my own. That's beautiful and I really love. You know what? I haven't heard anybody who's offering something like that in the Reiki space not to my knowledge. So that's really cool. I love how we can get all the tools that have been useful to us along the way and and make it better or enhance it or, you know, put our, our own uniqueness into it. So I love that. That's very beautiful. Tell me more in regards to breathwork. Do you do any events online, locally, like? Is breathwork something that you're still a big part of? Are you mostly focusing on, like the reiki and this course coming up now, or?

Speaker 2:

breathwork is something I really you know, even a decade ago when I discovered it. I have intentions to bring it to my own community. So I'm based here in long beach right now. That's kind of where my home base is in the States, and so when I moved here, I was getting to really immerse myself in the community and partner with studios.

Speaker 2:

There's this cool tea sanctuary I partnered with I'm Filipino-American a Filipino-American or Filipino community center, and so doing holding, try to partner with them and hold at least once a month something local where it is an introduction to breathwork, people can experience it. It's a lower ticket item, it's just something for the community as well, as I try to do some online. But I'm also focused on bringing breathwork or guided meditations to small to medium to corporate size businesses, so bringing wellness into the workplace too. Coming from corporate, I get it as a and I get it from a business owner standpoint too, or a manager, in the space of how, if we can have companies, management teams, support people in their company with wellness, especially people in leadership roles, how it can be so beneficial to decision-making, to just relieving from stress, to even then turning into helping them in their personal lives, clearing things, clearing that muck the emotions, the energy out.

Speaker 1:

I love that and I actually feel the same way when it comes to. I'm not sure if you had a chance to read a little bit about my bio, but I'm also a breathwork facilitator and awesome. So I come from a nursing background for 10 years, so that's where I take a lot of like we have rehab places, attorneys we work with and just like that corporate aspect, taking in breathwork into the corporate space and wow, I mean I feel like that is such an area where we can really grow and expand and make a positive impact on if we had more reach. I was thinking, brainstorming about sorry about that about getting a nonprofit to try to see if we can get this into prisons, into mental health facilities, like in places where it's so much needed, you know. So I'm working on that.

Speaker 1:

It's a work in progress, but it is a dream of mine to get it where, because it saved my life, you know, and I feel like it has helped so many of us while we've been through a challenge and I'll ask you just a little bit about a challenge that maybe you can share, um with everybody. Uh, cause we've all been there and life is cycles, is death and rebirth, is, is ups and downs. Um, it's a spiral where we're not exempt even if we've been doing the work forever, um, from any challenges or emotions or anything at all. We just have tools, have tools that can help us surf the wave a little bit better. Right, at least that's my perspective on it. So, yeah, yeah, I would love to I resonate a lot with that, with taking it into the workplace and taking it into spaces where it's not as common.

Speaker 2:

You have to keep me in touch with Toasted on that Well it'll be everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Trust me God knows what's happening so it's orchestrating everything and it'll happen just as it needs to be. In regards to a challenge, I always like to kind of touch into any particular challenge that maybe you want to share, whether it's your own entrepreneurial journey, or it's your own personal spiritual awakening or whatever it is that you want to share a challenging moment in your life and like how you overcame it, or just like a little synopsis or story on it that can maybe motivate and help other people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you talk about. You know the timing, whether it's's god, the universe, always having divine timing for us. As a serial entrepreneur, when I left new york I didn't go straight into healing, you know, that was something just I was finding, whether it's amazon having products on amazon, I've created my own other products and putting that out. And then it was only until last year where I decided to really step into my gifts and purpose and full time put my efforts into this, versus it being a side by word of mouth. But that I spent, I think, all last year in my own feels, my limiting beliefs, in my own blocks of realizing. I mean, I can tell anybody and I've done so many businesses where I had an idea and it was product-based, I created that. I can take it from concept to getting it manufactured, product packaging, put it in on market. But when it becomes you and this is like really what I believe, why I'm here and a purpose to really help humanity, and I get excited to wake up and start work. I don't get the Sunday scaries because I'm excited for Monday. I'm working on Sunday and Monday to roll around to like figure out you know what other creations can come out of this business, but I didn't realize how hard it would be like, how much I would still have to reflect on all these limiting beliefs I had and it turned very I'm not going to say dark, but it's really. I had to dig deep inside of me to you know how do I keep going? I was one social media and I am not. I'm like, oh, I have to get on my social media, I have to be seen. I was so used to not wanting to be seen. I still am not. If you kind of look at my Instagram, I try to do it in ways where it's talking to the camera and that's just. You know how I wanted to do it, but I realized that that caused me to not want to be seen, to play small and dig. Why was this happening? And therefore it wasn't helping me grow my business. It wasn't helping me.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm trying to scale now and because, being the healer I am and I'm a double Scorpio, so I'm very I didn't realize sudden rising. My whole life is birth, death, rebirth, transformation, rise from the ashes, phoenix, and it's over and over and over again, until when I think, oh, I've worked on this, I've come so far. Here's another thing and I, oh, I've worked on this, I've come so far. Here's another thing and I go into so with through breathwork, I really went in and asked myself where is this all coming from? Why am I like, where is this? Where?

Speaker 2:

How am I holding myself back with not wanting to like go big with the business, be seen and shown out there, and I was like I went back into it and realized there were these incidences from my childhood that um, stemmed from, like my mother's line, so it went from like things my grandmother would say, or you know, like, say to me, I mean it, it sounds so light.

Speaker 2:

Other people have, like these deep suited hardships and traumas but you know, we don't realize like just one little thing you can say to a four year old kid can actually create something that lasts them into adulthood. And so, facing the realization that I like have held on this hatred towards my grandmother, you know, up until just last year and that's trickled into, even facing like these mother wounds I hold on to my mom and I found out it's actually very ancestral and karmic on that in that side, um, um, having to work through that and forgive and let it not be a hiccup, was actually a big challenge I had to overcome last year and still this year was working on it.

Speaker 1:

so I feel like this podcast is about to take a turn, because you, yeah, so this I mean. I love to shine light in our gifts and what we have to offer, because it's an energy exchange. We have to feed our family, feed ourselves, and you know the impact we're making with the world. There's reciprocity in what we're doing, right. But speaking of this is where the work is. Okay, it's not rainbows and sunshines, there are moments, but this is where the work is.

Speaker 1:

I feel like most people that are awakening. You know they're the ones in their generation, in their family, whether it's on the. You know they're the ones in their generation, in their family, whether it's on the father's side, mother's side, the ones that are taking what I call radical responsibility. And responsibility I also break that into two response and ability. Our ability to respond to life, okay, to what happens to us, to the space in where we're born, our subconscious mind. That's 95% operating. We operate 95% out of our subconscious mind and only 5% conscious mind. So imagine all the stuff you heard from your grandma, from your mom. All of that stuff is in your subconscious mind. You are not conscious that you're being guided by that old system. So we have to reprogram that. It's no longer helping us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We honor you. I would never want to disrespect. If it wasn't for them, you know, we wouldn't have this opportunity because it is a gift, um, you know, that's been passed down, passed down and just hasn't been able to to really transform that gift right and and transcend into the next, into the next step for that lineage.

Speaker 1:

Um, so I feel the fact that you're like okay, enough of this, you know where is this coming from. You went all the way without counting, like past life, parallel lives and a bunch of other stuff, just to keep it real simple, right, but you're like okay, let me go to the root. That's that's beautiful that you did that, because I feel like you're not operating and a lot of us are not operating anymore. We're tired of operating from the victimhood. We're like we're more taking on that, that hero journey and taking charge and taking responsibility, and be like no, you know, and, and we, we see it, we see how our mothers ended up, how our grandmothers ended up is like okay, do I want to repeat that same pattern or do I want things to be different in my case? Um, and it's not to judge them because they are beautiful and perfect. That's their soul journey and that's their soul, you know, um, evolution and their own way, um, but just to to see them as teachers like okay, what do I want to take and not take from this and what do I want to change?

Speaker 1:

So I feel like what you've just touched on and for a lot of us I don't know in the Filipino culture how it is, but a lot of us it's limiting beliefs and scarcity around everything, like literally everything. Like the toothpaste, they would scrub the last little piece out, like like the smallest things you could imagine. So, going into that because I like to bring humor and play into this a little bit would you share with us a little funny thing that either your grandma or your mom would do? That's just a little bit of like, maybe in luck, or you don't see it the same way, or it's just like, okay, you know, I don't want to do that with my kids, or I want to keep doing that myself, or like just something weird.

Speaker 2:

I know, and so that's why I talk about, because I do work with what I call first generation cycle breakers and as a and you know I didn't want to say more of kids of immigrants because it could be other you know second, third generation, but I am a kid of an immigrant and, like you, it I feel like with immigrants it's that black mentality, because they came here with very little and they don't want to lose anything that they've worked so hard for.

Speaker 1:

But, um, so just think of some any story, but with you know, maybe something your grandma used to say all the time that we kept hearing it and it's just like you know.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to change that well, it's more of a response of like I don't know if this is with, maybe, culturally, with where she is, is um, just well, here cause, because for the conscious parents parenting consciously out there, right, but that's not what I heard in the household. So it's any little thing from my grandma that we do wrong, we would get yelled at so hard that you know, or if we didn't address her properly and we just said yeah, yes, yes, what? Yes, grandma, you know, it just became this thing. But it was just that where you're on eggshells one day, but then with her it's like that, and then she would turn and start like laughing the next moment. So we didn't know if she was like angry or just not really poking fun or challenging us, but it became this thing.

Speaker 2:

But it is with that high, um, I became very, I think like maybe that's where the perfectionism came in. You don't want to do anything wrong, you want to just like, keep things up, not get yelled at, right, you don't want to rock the boat. But then I don't know if that was also keeping us being perfect and proper, so that we wouldn't disrupt when we left the house, that we wouldn't disrupt the Western society, and we just like don't bring attention to yourself, keep the peace and you don't want to get in trouble at school, because then we don't want our family to look like we raised somebody that would cause any anything.

Speaker 1:

I don't we need to turn this to a humorous way, but it's just kind of no, no, that is hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I'll say that to me now in retrospect. Of course, when you're living, it's a little bit different. Right, you take it to the heart, but let's, let's go deeper into that, because I feel, first of all, I haven't had an episode where we go so deep into this subject and I feel that it's necessary. I feel like God guided us right where we need to go with the podcast. That's how I feel in regards to this. So a lot of the times, a lot of the introspection that I do with my life is okay. Where and how am I doing that in my life currently? Because I'm replaying that some way somehow. Am I playing small? Do I not want to be seen? Do I not want to be heard? Do I not want to speak up? Do I want to keep you know? Whatever, whatever it is, you know that we're recreating the samereating, the same thing, same limitations, in a different scenario in our life and we're like no, I'm nothing like my grandma. Yeah, we are, so you have to see how we can change it, and that's I love that. I love to ask myself, like okay, I'm constantly questioning everything, like okay and relationship to that, and I want to touch on forgiveness because I'm going to tell you it happened to me with my dad, just like, like, like that he I don't think we agree on almost anything of his view of the world or his way of treating women, or just almost nothing. And it's perfect because he's been a great teacher and for a lot of stuff for me. But just understanding, like, also like your grandma was a mirror for me they're doing it out of love. They don't know that they're that's. You know they're carrying all of the stuff from. They don't know that they're that's. You know they're carrying all of this stuff from their childhood, from their parents, blah, blah, blah, and they're carrying it onto you without ever having a chance to heal it. Maybe they they never had a chance to heal it Cause, like my dad was always working like, up to like late hours and a lot of jobs, like he would never even consider meditating. He's like, who has time for that? I have to work, you have to work until you die. So you see the mentality. So I'm really grateful to have the opportunity to be. You know that they did all that sacrifice for me to be able to do some breath work, do some meditation and be able to have the time to look at that.

Speaker 1:

Um, luckily, we've been doing a lot of work in the family where we've been able to practice forgiveness with each other, which, at the core core, nobody has to forgive anyone and there is really no judgment, infinite love. But from this perspective it seems that way and helps the relationships to come closer. So I want to ask you if it's not too personal. How was that forgiveness process for you and your grandma and your mom and stuff like that? Is there anything you wanted? It was maybe something personal you went through to get to that point, because I feel like when we hold resentment for 10 years, 15 years, we're only drinking that poison ourselves. It's not helping us. It's really not. So I would like to ask you how was that forgiveness part for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will say it's still an ongoing process, very much so it I didn't even realize how deep rooted I needed it was with my grandmother until recently. But with my mother I can't even know. I don't even know if it's a forgiveness thing, but at peace, more like, because knowing I did do a lot of different works with my relationship with her, but I still notice when I see her in person I have flinches, like physical flinches of and maybe what daughter doesn't towards their mother, of irritation, and it's really is just this, finding that unconditional love in my heart and everything I do. And I say this to people love. Once I understood the energy of love and it is rooted in every action I do I can understand that she came and she did the best she could and she did the best she could, she wanted the best and, like you were saying, it was all out of love. But that is just the way they knew how.

Speaker 2:

And different generation, different times, where we in this generation have these practices now where we can self-reflect and we have that time, or some of us make that time and some of us make it part of our profession or who we are. Time some of us make it part of our profession or who we are, and that, because you know I don't want it stops here, right? I don't want to be like that to the next generation, to my future children. So, yeah, that's an ongoing process. With the forgiveness it's more of a finding peace and, just you know, filling myself with love when I see them and with that then I can't hold on to any resentment, anger, but it is, it's, it's how you know how many decades and years of my life that I've held onto it. So, like, easier said than done.

Speaker 2:

It can't for me, maybe for a lot of things can't just happen in one breath work, practice, that's why we breathe, like as practitioners. Some of us breathe daily, you know, and then it's uncovering another block of limiting belief and stemming it back to a different altercation conversation your mother or grandmother had with you and then healing that. So I will say this forgiveness thing is is, I'm constantly working at it and my grandmother I don't see her. She's in the Philippines now. I mean, she was with me up until, like maybe high school and then she moved back to the Philippines. So I don't have that much contact with her. But I think it's just forgiving. Did a lot of work to forgive that moment in time to the like five-year-old self, where an incident occurred and then, as I was younger, you know so.

Speaker 1:

I want to make a point.

Speaker 2:

I mean I, when you said your family is working with forgiveness and all that. I am like that is amazing, because I don't hear that a lot working with forgiveness and all that. I am like that is amazing, cause I don't hear that a lot and I can't say you know, that is something I really need to really still take some time to.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you, uh, an idea. You don't have to, but I did and it went well. Uh, I guess it's a case by case space, um, depending on you know how much trauma and stuff has has happened. Um, I'll give you two ideas. One that you may know of, because you already do energy work, so you can just connect with the higher self of that person, whether the person has passed or the person's still alive, and have that conversation. If you just don't want to have it right now in person, or just can't have it in person, and that's really great. I mean, it feels wonderful for you. It just it's, it's amazing and it's funny, because their higher self will answer back. So you're going to get a lot of wonderful information when it comes to that. That's a cool exercise.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I did with my dad I wrote him a letter, um, and he and I asked him hey, you know, do you want to participate in this exercise? I was thinking of writing you a letter and if you want, you can write me a letter. You don't have to. Whatever we sell, like my mom heard of it, my mom was the first one to write the letter. Uh, I was thinking of doing it just with him, but she wanted to participate as well, so I said okay. So we all wrote a letter to each one. I was so surprised.

Speaker 1:

My dad ended up writing seven pages and I literally wrote like one page Like I didn't think it would see. So it really surprised me because he said stuff that he had never said to me ever before, like I had no idea that was his thought process, so it gave me a lot of his perspective. So forgiveness is ongoing as well as regulating our nervous system. Just because we're practitioners of breath work or meditation or Reiki or XYZ whatever it is that we're doing, this is part of our daily practice. This is our work. So it's not a lot of people come in to work with us and probably want to get fixed in one visit, three visits, but it's an ongoing practice, you know. So yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can only take people as far as we've gone.

Speaker 1:

I agree, beautiful. Is there anything else that you want to share with us today, that you feel called to share?

Speaker 2:

I was just going to say if no one's ever tried breath work, whether it's with you or myself, please, please do it. Aside from tapping into, you know your body, your breath connecting there. But it's for me I tell the other people who need psychedelics or plant medicine, when you have breath work, the shamanic things that have come through lately in my practice, the ancestral medicine and wisdom that's come through and all the things, it's just fun. I say it's fun when I get out of it. It's just, it's a trip, it's fun. So I really hope people you know know, try at least once and see where they can tap into all that beauty and love that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I'll say this every breathwork um is completely different. So, whether you do it with me or with her, or with xyz, every not only is every facilitator different, but even with that same facilitator, every event you attend is going to be different, and every breakthrough and every download and everything is going to change Um. So I highly invite you to open your heart. I feel like breath work is a lot of like the preventive medicine, um, like really exercising and meditating and including breath work. All of that is a lot of like preventative medicine, in my opinion, before we go into a full blown anything, right, because a lot of the stuff that are in our subconscious mind, a lot of the trauma that's stored in our body, that we haven't processed, that we've been repressing and putting under the rug for so long, that's going to come out somewhere, either autoimmune disease, or it's going to come out in any. It's going to manifest physically somewhere, somehow. I don't want to give guarantees, but oh my God, there's a high probability that's going to happen. Okay, so really using these practices for that there, there's so much that breathwork can do for you. Uh, we're not going to go into that, but I always like to to leave people with with something practical that they can use. So I'll share with them a breathwork sequence that they can practice. If you want to share anything, whether it's breathwork related or not like maybe it could be nuggets of wisdom or whatever, or a little trick, or whatever you want to share I'll share with you two breathwork sequences to help you relax and come into your parasympathetic nervous system, relax and digest state. You can do this at any time. This is not an activating breath. Okay, I just want to point that out. It is not for the sympathetic. So usually if you're druggy in the morning, you don't have a lot of energy. This is probably not one of them. But if you're anxious or you want to relax before you go to bed, this is a good sequence for you. You're going to do inhale and exhales through the nose and you can do a four six count inhale through the nose to a count of four, exhale to a count of six. Or you can inhale through the nose to a count of four and exhale to a count of eight. If you see what I'm doing is making the exhale longer, okay. So this is going to get you to relax, into a parasympathetic, relaxed state. Okay For you to go to bed or for you to relax. You're really anxious. You can do that. Or you can do the 4-4-4, which is the most common that everybody knows. You inhale through the nose to a count of four. You hold at the top for four, you exhale for four and hold at the bottom for four. Okay, so I hope that serves you. Those are three quick sequences that you could do at any time to come back to center and relax.

Speaker 1:

One last one that I think might really be good. It's going to be the Bromary Humming Bee Breath, because that's going to activate your vagus nerve, so that's really going to relax you. So it looks and sounds like this You're going to breathe in through the nose and you're going to exhale through the nose, but while on the exhale you're going to make a humming sound. So it's to make a humming sound, so it's, and that humming, I like to really extend it until I'm out of air. So you could try that and see if that works for you. Okay, so I hope that was helpful.

Speaker 2:

Is there anything you want to share with our audience? I love that, yes, well, I mean what was coming through to me is, since you've already tapped into the breathwork part, back to, like, you know, tapping into your heart and trusting yourself, trusting that inner wisdom within you practice, you know, you can do to just really strengthen your intuition or feel into how you're feeling that day. Or if you want any messages, you know and you're like, what are people talking about? Getting downloads and messages. It's all within you.

Speaker 2:

So all you have to do is like, keep your heart open, stay quiet, so you can just, you know, first thing in the morning or in midday, if you just need a little like guidance or just want to quiet your mind, just close your eyes, you know, take a deep breath in and imagine opening your heart up and exhale, and then just ask something and exhale and then just ask something.

Speaker 2:

Ask whether it's a question you have, or just ask, hey, my ancestors, any guides, our guardian angels, they're all just waiting on the sidelines. Just breathe into your heart and say, like masking my ancestors, what's the next move do I need to make to make this XYZ goal happen? And so to breathe and let go of the chatter in your mind, open your heart and just listen or visualize however you best, or, if you need to write down what pops through, and just don't second guess it, trust it. And the more you continue to do that, guess it, trust it. And the more you continue to do that, the more you will like strengthen that trust within yourself, within to your guides, your ancestors it's all the same angels, guides, ancestors I.

Speaker 1:

I think your next course is going to be connecting with your guides. You just gave a mini course on how to connect with your guides. Yeah, your guides, your higher self, all of it. Yeah, your guides, your higher self, all of it. Source everything is within you.

Speaker 2:

It's the truth and it is. If you start doing that practice, as I started doing it, and like writing and channeling it down, I'm like they're pretty harsh they will tell you how it is and it is the truth. You need to hear so it's. And no, you know, no one else can tell you that. No advice from anybody else.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely beautiful there. What I always say is there are many roads, or all roads lead to Rome, like that saying. And then Rome, to me, is source. So there are many ways. Whether it's breathwork, meditation, any type of energy work, it doesn't matter, they're all going to take, they're all should take you. Whether it's plant work, meditation, any type of energy work, it doesn't matter, they're all going to take, they're all should take you. Whether it's plant medicine, whatever, to connect with your heart, and that's that holds the key. That is the entry point. Blue pill, red pill Are you going to take it? What are you going to do? And that's where. That's where the magic pill that everyone's looking for. It's in the heart connection, in that's where. That's where the magic pill that everyone's looking for, it's in the heart connection, in the heart. That's it. I think you don't have to get any pills. I. I think that's beautiful to end it with that. Okay, love is the answer. Go within. Uh, you know, it's all in your heart. As cliche as it is.

Speaker 1:

That is what it is yeah, it is what it is. We can't deny it. Once you've seen it, you cannot unsee it. So this is what we have to share with you. I hope that it was really, really helpful. I feel that you can all really feel how authentically we're sharing, that we really want to help you guys and want to share with you what has worked for us by doing it through our soul, aligned business. And that's what really share, I mean fills our heart, to share with everybody and help as many people as possible. We've been in your shoes, we've walked your road. That's you know. That's why we're sharing it. We know what it like in the flesh, what it feels like, so I hope it serves everybody. It has been an honor. I love you. Guys, go check her out. Could you share with us your Instagram or your website or whatever, wherever you want them to go and check you out?

Speaker 2:

My website is myfirstnamecom, so Hesalizacom, and I'm most frequently on Instagram, so it's at Hesaliza. Underscore energy healing.

Speaker 1:

Awesome and we're gonna leave it in the description for you guys to check it out and just be a click away from that. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you.

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