Quantum Alchemist Master ™

MIKE MURPHY: From rags to riches and everything in between!

Season 2 Episode 9

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Mike Murphy’s inspiring story is a journey from rags to riches and everything in between. From a restless youth facing multiple arrests, his tenacity led him to become an acclaimed self-made entrepreneur, Wall Street Journal bestselling author, speaker, and philanthropist. Passionate about helping others, Mike uses Law of Attraction technology, physical detoxification, and meditation to guide people in becoming their best selves.

After the profound loss of his wife to cancer, Mike’s dedication to healing deepened. This loss inspired him to create Mountains of Hope, a healing center in the beautiful Andes Mountains, where people can reconnect with their true essence and purpose, and heal their mind, body, and spirit. As the founder of Mountains of Hope, Mike continues to empower others on their journey to wellness and transformation.






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Speaker 1:

Hi Mike, Welcome to the Quantum Alchemist Master Podcast. It's a pleasure to have you here today.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. Good to see you.

Speaker 1:

It's an honor, mike. I would love for you to share with our listeners a little bit about your story. It captivated me, which is why it resonated 100% with me. I went through the course that you have with me. I went through the course that you have. I'm halfway through the book, um, and it all, just I just automatically connected with you, with your story, with your vision, with, with your own path. Um, I I see myself a lot of aspects of myself reflected in in your journey, and it has helped me so much. Um, I feel empowered. I feel that, um, more clarity, more, um you know, a greater vision, um for for myself, as to what's possible, um, and I would love the same for you to share a little bit about you, even even from your childhood or whatever it is that you want to share for our listeners, because I really feel that your story can empower so many people. So it's an honor to have you. Please share whatever you feel like sharing with us.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, thank you very much for having me. So I feel like I've had many lifetimes and I'm still here. I just did a reading with somebody here in Colombia and where they look at your chart and everything, and this guy is revered here in Colombia and he said this is my 131st incarnation. And I couldn't help but ask him is this my last one? He said, yes, this is your last one. I really do believe that I'm ready to go to a higher frequency. In fact, I believe I was there very briefly at one point, but anyways, I grew up in an alcoholic home. I could show you a picture when I'm about an eight-month-old baby sitting on the couch.

Speaker 2:

I don't have it with me, but I could show it to you if I had it. But here's this little eight-month-old baby with a cigarette out, dangling out of his mouth a quart of Schlitz beer, between his legs, and this was 1957. And my mother had written under the Polaroid okay, in the baby's little book, that they make learning young, just like mommy and daddy. So I was programmed to become an alcoholic, drug addict, smoker, gambler, womanizer, and really, you know, we're all the product of our programming. So I'm 67 years old, I'm still undoing some of my childhood programming. That's how deep it is right. So anyways, long story short, I left home at age 14. I ran away and that led to a life of becoming a habitual runaway, juvenile, delinquent drugs, alcohol, just totally out of control. And you know, back in these days they say, hey, the kid has a problem, let's get him some help. Back in those days it was like children were to be seen and not heard, and my parents were busy partying and living their life. And I was the oldest of five. And so, long story short, I found someone that would marry me at age 21, from high school, and we had a baby at 23. And because I was a habitual runaway when things weren't going right and I felt my low self-esteem would rise and I just felt like I didn't fit, I just left her. I walked out on her we were living with her parents and her five siblings and in the middle of the afternoon I just said I'm leaving and I left. And a week later, after partying and having no money and anything, I was ready to come home. But unlike my parents, she wouldn't let me come home. So that led to a life in a 12-step program. But I just couldn't stay off drugs. And so a guy in the program says Mike, I've never seen anybody screwed up as you, but I might know somebody that can help you. And so he introduced me to a guy.

Speaker 2:

And that's what the book you refer to, the Creation Frequence. It's a story of meeting that guy in 1982. And here's what he said. And I showed I had nothing. I had no credit, but bad credit. I couldn't rub two nickels together. I had an eighth grade education. And he said to me he said, mike, you come here one hour a week for seven weeks, you'll get everything you want in your life. And I looked at his house. It wasn't that nice. I looked at his furniture Wasn't that nice. I looked at his clothes, but something, there was just a glimmer of hope. Something said do this. And then he said it was $50 an hour and I didn't even have 50 cents, but anyways, I went for it and he taught me this process of manifestation that I write about in the creation frequency, which really I know now all these years later. I wrote that book.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to research who this guy was. I dug deep and I found him. He was deceased, found his children and he was studying silver mind control, which is really, you know, the guy at Mindvalley. That's what turned his life around. I really believe that's a lot of Dr Joe Dispenza's work. The core of that is what this guy was teaching me. And what he taught me was there's no difference between imagination and reality. And the truth is everything in our physical life started as a thought and a desire, a thought with emotion, and then it comes into physical reality. Once we understand that, that's how everything works.

Speaker 2:

Here I'm at Mounds of Hope in Columbia. Right here we grow over 50 different vegetables and fruits here. Well, what do we do? We put a seed in the ground into the earth, mother earth. The sun and the rain nurture it and we get fruits and vegetables. Same thing with creating a child, same thing with creating, manifesting anything you want in your life. But we have to take control of this and we have to take ownership of this.

Speaker 2:

So we ended up with six intentions and they all came true. I created, I got my wife and my kid back who I she hated my guts. I got my own business. I became financially successful, I owned my own house, I ran a marathon and I and he said the sixth goal has to be contribution. So I wanted to create a voice for home. But life led me in the other direction. So now we have this beautiful place called Mountains of Hope.

Speaker 2:

So, long story short, I'm living my dream life. I'm making tons of money, I live in a $4 million house, I got four wonderful kids, I teach Bible study at church, I coach Little League baseball, I have a Chevrolet dealership no-transcript. And a month after that I found this stage three, golf ball-sized tumor in her breast, and so I was in a tough spot and I wrote a book about that called Living in Color, which is my passion project. But long story short, we ended up getting married in 2006 and the cancer came back in 2007 and she fought it till 2011. And then she passed away at the age of 38 of breast cancer. Away at the age of 38 of breast cancer.

Speaker 2:

And immediately after that I met another young woman, 38 years old, but no husband, african-american, no good insurance, no extra resources, and she asked if I could help her, and so that led to me creating a nonprofit foundation called the Love for Margo Foundation, and I would provide financial grants to women below the poverty line that were going through this treatment, this breast cancer treatment, because they don't have money to begin with. Now they can't work, their expenses have gone up. So I thought I could fill a void and I spent a lot of money. I would give $5,000 grants, $1,000 a month, and they would have to come and meet with me and I'd like to encourage them, pray with them, whatever we could do to help them beat this disease, because it's such a devastating. I've seen such devastation in nine years with my wife and so but the end story is that after about four years, I was just throwing money away because 90% of the time they got sicker, sicker and die, and so every once in a while it worked. You know I would support them and they'd go through treatment and they'd be able to go back to work and they'd get their life back.

Speaker 2:

But the majority of cases the treatment didn't work, and a lot of them expressed to me that they wish they could go natural. And I will add, a couple of them did go natural, but I don't know how or what, and so when they came to me it already metastasized and they were already back to Western medicine, it back to Western medicine. It's a tricky subject and there's no easy answers. Everybody has to go into their own heart and figure out what's the treatment plan that's best for them. But long story short, after that I started looking for a place where I could build, a place where people could come for healing, and for healing for me it's not only the physical, it's the mental, it's the emotional, it's the spiritual, and everything we do here at Mountains of Hope is designed to get people back into their heart and to their soul, reconnect with their soul, reconnect with their purpose.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's pretty easy to teach people that they're toxic. I can show you, I can do live blood cell analysis and show you parasites, heavy metals. We can test your hair. We can show heavy metals. We're all toxic because the world has become so toxic. So heavy metals, we're all toxic because the world has become so toxic. So that part is easy detoxing the body and then we grow 50 different vegetables here. So giving you great nutrition, that's easy. We use amazing water with amazing minerals and we spin it to make the molecules smaller, so go into the cells. So most people are dehydrated and they don't have enough minerals and that leads to inflammation, which leads to disease.

Speaker 2:

So the work we do here really is to change the mindset and then to gently nudge them out of their mind back into their heart.

Speaker 2:

Most of us have closed our heart.

Speaker 2:

We get hurt. We get hurt as a little kid, we get hurt in adolescence, we get hurt as a young adult. We have losses, we have divorces, we have grief, we have deaths. We have all this stuff and we start to because this hurts. We close this. This doesn't hurt. This is just an insane asylum if we end up living here and it's very hard to control. They call it the monkey mind right, so we explain how the mind works. But every ceremony that we do here, everything that we teach here is designed to nudge you back in the heart and to start opening it and then start healing it and then start reconnecting with your higher power, whatever that may be for you, and when that happens we have a breast cancer patient here right now when that happens, it's the most beautiful thing to see people reconnect with their soul and to find out what really drives them and what their purpose is, and so that's the work that we do at mountains of hope. So so that's a long answer to a short question, but that's it.

Speaker 1:

Let's let's dive into into different things here that you've mentioned. Uh, since you just finished with mountains of hope, um, if somebody was interested, we're going to put it in the description so you guys can can check out more information. But what are some of the activities or things like in more detail that you are able to share that you do there?

Speaker 2:

So we have a one-week program, a two-week program, a three-week program and really, if someone's fighting a serious disease, you know it's important to change the environment and we're 7,000 feet in the Andes Mountains at the equator. It's a very unique place. Every day the weather is 55 to 75 degrees. We have 20 acres in this Andes Mountains and the electricity in the air is palpable. You can feel it. And so one thing we do is start detoxing the body. So how do we do that? We do that with colonics, coffee enemas really really good water, red light therapy, massage therapy, pemf therapy, salt therapy. So we have a lot of protocols and massage and stuff like that to detox the body. The fresh nutritional foods right out of the ground really is farm from table.

Speaker 2:

So people that are already people start to change, get more energy. But what happens? The emotions start to rise. So what we do with that? Well, we teach my course the creation frequency. We teach them how to write intentions, how to record them, how to listen, why and when, how it all works. We get into the like meditation work of teachers like Dr Joe Dispenza, whose work I love. We get into the meditation work of teachers like Dr Joe Dispenza, whose work I love. We get into how to change these thoughts, that thoughts are the cause of suffering. We use the work of Byron Katie on how to turn that all around and get free.

Speaker 1:

I love Byron Katie.

Speaker 2:

I love Byron Katie to death, and then I love the work of Dr Bruce Lipton, which really explains to us that the consciousness that we're made of 50 trillion living conscious cells all vibrating at their own unique frequency, and the intelligence of that cell is in the membrane, not in the nucleus, but in the membrane, and that's where the intelligence is. So we have all this intelligence inside of us, and then we're made up of atoms and so therefore we're 99.999% space. So when we put all this into this equation, we look at the world in a completely different way and we realize that once we can learn to get into a meditative state and see and feel and start vibrating at what we really want, because that's all that's going on here. You know Nikola Tesla. He said if you want to understand the universe, you have to understand energy, vibration and frequency, and that's all that's happening here. Everything else is an illusion. If you really understand quantum physics and we're 99.999% space, the illusion is the solidity of everything, but what holds it together is what frequency is vibrating.

Speaker 2:

That, and I believe for us, for the humans here, we had an intention to come here and to do something, and then we forget, and now we've got to figure it out. We have to undo the programming because most of us are not programmed to be spiritual and find our soul and find our purpose, so we have to undo that. So ceremonies we'll do something like a fire ceremony. We have a temescal here which is a sweat lodge amazing ceremony For our guests. Tomorrow night we're doing a healing coherence ceremony. We have other plant medicine ceremonies that people want. It's not on our agenda, it's extra. We educate people, but people have to be called to that. We don't want to just throw this stuff in. This is powerful medicine. We just don't want to force it down people's throat. We want to make sure that it's really resonating with them and if it is, we'll find a way to make it happen for them. But the real bottom line is we want people to heal and transform and that's the whole thing that we do. And to do that we look at the physical and we do a lot of testing. There's some testing that we ask their guests to do beforehand so that we get a full makeup when they get here.

Speaker 2:

But we do our own testing here. We do the live blood cell analysis here. Where we prick your finger, we look at you to get to see your cells under a microscope. Are they healthy? How are they moving? What do they look like? What is their form like? That's an eye opener in itself. We do brain mapping, which is a $1,000 or $1,500 charge in the US. I mean, we're only charging less than 3000 a week for this, and so that's included. Then we look at that report and then we put you on neurofeedback, depending on what the brain mapping is like. We have another thing called an epi slide and we take three of your hairs and we put it in this device. We can look at your heavy metals, we can look at your epigenetics. We can see what's going on there. So we do those kinds of testing. We have a thing called a bio. Well is it? That's came out of Russia. You put the tip of all familiar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've used the machine. I have somebody here she lives in Gables and I've been to her house. We've used it's a really cool machine actually.

Speaker 2:

It's a cool machine. It really is, because we're energy right. So what it's looking at is the light body, the energetic body. So we do all this testing. But I always say two things If you can't heal in Mountains of Hope, you're probably not going to heal, because the nature, the energy, the divineness of this place is profound and on top of that, we're going to love you back to health because the people here are amazing.

Speaker 2:

Everybody that works here is amazing and we're heart-based, we're soul-based and we pour our love and our energy into our guests. And it's a five-star, it's a South American five-star and it's very five-star. It's a South American five-star, you know, restored and it's very intimate. There's only 12 bedrooms, only 18 beds, so it's very intimate. You get a lot of attention. Our general manager is also a medical doctor and nutritionist, was also on television here in Columbia for 10 years. Our major, our main doctor, dr Anna just a sweetheart. She does acupuncture, neurotherapy, reiki healing, healing of the chakras, energy healing. Our nurses are amazing. Our colonic nurses are amazing. So we really we throw almost. We just got a thing called a biocharger, which is light, real light and frequency energy that you sit next to. It has a bunch of programs, the pulse, electromagnetic frequency. You lay on these pads and we can program them for whatever you need, whatever's going on in your body. So we use bio, a lot of biohacking stuff, but honestly, I really believe the power of mountains of hope and the power for us anyway, no matter where we are in the world we don't need to come here but it's the power of nature and reconnecting to ourself.

Speaker 2:

And and I really really believe that this is what everybody watching this and listening to this can do is you get up in the morning before the sun rises. You put on as little clothes as possible, you make sure you're barefoot, you ground the mother earth, you pick up all these negative electrons. We're getting all this EMF, this stuff. Remember, we're spaced this stuff. When radio waves were introduced in the early 1900s, everybody started getting sick. Then television and this stuff is really not good. We're made of electrons, okay, and we're messing with all this energy, right. So I really believe if people, a couple of things that anybody can do is get up early, go out there and watch that sunrise, it's magical, you know, before it even hits the horizon, you start to feel the energy. You see the red light. Red light therapy is proven for healing. And then I see this and I can see the photons of the sun coming at me. It's almost as God is programming my day for me, programming my life. It's so powerful. And the other thing is I might have mentioned that everybody's dehydrated.

Speaker 2:

I just had an amazing experience. I met a man in Georgia, spent five days with him and his name is Daniel Brinkley, in 1975, he was struck by lightning and he was clinically dead for 28 minutes and he went up and he visited, I think, 12 or 13 beams of light and they told him what was going to happen and he wrote it all down. And then he's died three times since because the damage from the lightning strike damaged his heart. So he died one time on the operating table of open heart surgery. He ended up with brain aneurysms. So he's died and gone to these light beings to learn this stuff. And he says the most important thing is one we're mighty, powerful spiritual beings that can never die with dignity, direction and purpose. And what really got to me was the dignity. You know, we need to have dignity and direction and purpose to fulfill this, and so they ended up making a movie about him. It's on YouTube for free called Saved by the Light, and he wrote a book called Saved by the Light as well.

Speaker 2:

I think there's like 5 billion searches. He showed me people looking for that. So there's so much going on here and we get lost in this illusion of the 3D reality, which is just an illusion. You know, the real power is in this electromagnetism and, by the way, if you look at the electromagnetic spectrum, we're in the spectrum of light. There's only 1% of all this spectrum, right.

Speaker 2:

What is going on right here and that's the magic and that's the fun stuff is to really get into meditation, be able to leave your body, go to this field of infinite possibilities, see and feel what you want. I was working with our guest here tonight that's trying to merge her A-type personality with her spiritual right, and that's what we all need to do. We're in this animal body, we're stuck, we're spirit stuck in an animal body. We urinate, we fornicate, we defecate, so that's the animal part. But we need to rise above that and get in touch with our soul and our spirit and our purpose, and then we become, as Dr Joe says in one of his books, we become superhuman and supernatural, right, and that's the healing that we try to get people to take place here, and then life becomes magical again, like when we were children, as it should be.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot that you've shared and I agree with a lot of that. Just because I've experienced it myself and I had a near-death experience, so I can really really relate to what you just mentioned about this person and everything in regards to energy and just the electromagnetic field and everything else. Definitely your perception of this reality completely shifts and changes To know that most of our perception about consciousness and about reality itself is like 0.000, infinite, 0.1 of all there is. So we're just like very limited in this realm. So we're just like very limited in this realm. And yeah, so, and not even that also to count that we're only operating at about 5% consciousness and then all the 95% unconscious, subconscious. So I mean it's multi-layered, but it is so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I hope that when the listeners really hear this, if you can replay it again, because the amount of information Mike has just shared for us and it's not just information, it's your soul knows how to discern what he's just said. So, really, if we use more our left brain or our logical brain to really try to decipher all of this, it may sound even a little cuckoo or woo-woo or however you want to call it, um, but this is something that listen, all of us go through an alchemy process, whether we want it or not. It's part of the soul evolution on this earth. Um, we go in into the pur Um, and that's where a lot of the awakening happens. It doesn't matter if it's an accident, a cancer, uh, whatever, a divorce, a loss of someone you love. Those are awakenings in the journey, um, and it's time that we start to ask. I invite you to ask, even if you don't believe this. That's wonderful. I respect you, I love you. It's part of the whole process. You're right where you need to be. You're not ahead, you're not behind. You're perfect where you are. But start asking deeper questions. I would say that, like, who are you aside from your body? Why are you here? Just deeper questions. Do not conform with what is. There should be more to life. I was suicidal at some point and I said, well, if God really does exist, this can't be the only thing that he created. It absolutely cannot. It is absurd, absurd, or that's how I thought about it. And to my surprise, of course, that was not it. So you know, keep asking good questions and that will lead you in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

And, mike, I'm personally coming over to see you in December. So I'm really excited. We're going to be posting now a lot more about Mountains of Hope in our social media as well. We're going to be sharing videos about the place and really being more active, and it's already on our Instagram bio, so that's the only retreat that we have on there. We're going to be working together with Mike a lot, because I'm a firm believer.

Speaker 1:

Listen to me, the biggest certification is your own life journey. That's the biggest university biggest certification that there is, and both Mike and I have been through through a lot of things, and these tools that we're sharing with you all has been what we've found to work. No, we don't have the answers to the great mystery or to or to all of your, your problems, but we have what has worked for us to share with you, to bring it in a way that's accessible, that is safe. Okay, that's extremely important. There's a lot of stuff out there now that it lacks a lot of integrity, a lot of and a lot of other things. Basically, just do your own due diligence before you book into any retreats or into any healing centers and mountains of hope. You could just give us a call that literally like. It's that simple. We can answer anything for you. I know I keep getting emails from you about join our discovery call, so you know, there you go. If you haven't tried that, try that. Just find out more information. And this is not a sales pitch for you all. This is stuff that really works. These things are proven. There's thousands of cases that go through Mountains of Hope, that have seen the actual change happen, and we get to be a part of that. We get to witness that with you all and support you along the way.

Speaker 1:

So if you're going through anything, first I want to say that everything is temporary, it's all cycles, and I don't like to say death and rebirth. I like to say birth and rebirth, because there is no death. So just hang in there. This too shall pass and then something else will come. Just try to get the lesson, whatever the lesson is, out of it. Mike, losing your wife at that time must have been absolutely just crushing and devastating for you, like a slap across. I mean I can't even. Maybe, like you, felt like half of your soul was gone or something. I cannot put it into any words because I have not, luckily, been through that in this incarnation. Could you share. I don't want to, you know, make it too personal, but is there anything, any shift, any, anything that maybe you want to share for people that have lost somebody dear to?

Speaker 2:

them, because a lot of people are going through grief right now. You know, the pandemic was a real eye opener for a lot of people in a lot of ways, but a lot of people died unnecessarily and a lot of people are waking up to some different truths and are really struggling. I had a call with a woman who's considering coming here today just full of anxiety and really the pandemic really did it for her To get vaccinated or to get not vaccinated and all the decourse in the family and everything, all the upset and talking about my grief. You know it's interesting December 1st 2010,. Her oncologist said to her Margo, unfortunately, the cancer spread to the lining of your brain. If you do nothing, you have six weeks to live and if you treat it, you have six months to live. So imagine getting that news. She was 37 years old at the time and we didn't even discuss it. We just went to fight right and led us to Anderson, houston, all other places.

Speaker 2:

But what was amazing for me? She loved life so much and she, you know she was going through this torture. You know, draining of her lungs, she had two. So much and she was going through this torture. You know, draining of her lungs. She had two brain surgeries. They actually put a port in her brain to drip chemotherapy into her cerebral spinal fluid, but every night she would work on taking that last breath, you know. So here I am watching this woman fight like crazy just for another day of life and every night preparing to leave her body, and I got to witness that firsthand for six months. And you always think you have one more day and then you don't, and that's when the grief hit me, and that's when it becomes. You go into a state of shock and everybody reacts differently and grief isn't. You know, you go through anger, you go through this, you get to no, no, no. It's a cycle. You know you might get rid of anger today, but it might come back tomorrow, and so grief is a very difficult thing. I feel like it was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. It was devastating. I didn't want to live, I didn't have much energy to do anything, and that's why I'm fortunate that this woman, amanda, came into my life. That needed my help and I had this nine-year experience, so I tried to help her and she only lasted 18 months, but she was the seed of the beginning of the Love for Margo Foundation, which is now Mountains of Hope in Medellín, colombia. So it's just interesting how life worked.

Speaker 2:

You brought up asking, you know, encouraging listeners, viewers to ask, viewers to ask questions and ask for help. I just want to share one thing I think is powerful, as the way I journal. Every morning, I start, pull out my journal, I just write down everything I'm grateful for. I believe that when we can get into an attitude of gratitude, we start vibrating at a higher frequency and we can access more wisdom. So I'm grateful for my health, my wife, my children, whatever it is. You just start writing down everything that you're grateful for. It changes your frequency, it changes your vibrational energy. And then I say Heavenly Father, which you can call your higher power, whatever you want, but that's the term I use Please give me wisdom on the following, and I just write it down what should I do with this situation with this child? What should I do with this situation with this employee at work? What is my purpose?

Speaker 2:

And we start asking the creator of all. And there is a creator. I mean, that's indisputable. This is not a random accident, that's impossible. So there is a creator. Whatever that creator is, I don't know. Okay, there's many theories and many narratives. There's 8 billion people on the earth today. There's probably 8 billion different narratives on what that creator is, so it's very individual.

Speaker 2:

But I asked for wisdom and I remember after about 10 years of doing this, one day I go, I'm going to go back and I'm going to go through all these things. I asked for wisdom and I started highlighting everything that just took care of itself, naturally, and then I started putting check marks of all the like miracle type things that happened and took place. But it's just a way to ask for wisdom and if we ask, there are people listening. Okay, I happen to believe that there's angels and there's guides and that my late wife Margo is listening and helping and I had an experience around that. And so just ask for help. And if you're not going to ask somebody that you look up to ask a mentor, find a mentor. People are willing to help. You just got to ask and there's help available. And then I just end with thank you, I love you and go about my day, but I really believe in asking for help. So you mentioned wanting to commit suicide. I've been there many, many times, right and so, but you didn't, and now you're doing great work in the world, right, and so we're all. We're all.

Speaker 2:

This is difficult. There's one of my favorite books. I used to read tons of books before they all before that went to Kindle and I can't see anymore. But it's called the Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck. The first line of the book is life is difficult.

Speaker 2:

You know, everybody wants to say hey, be positive all the time, don't be negative. There's new age stuff. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Life. People die, children get sick. There's unjust. There's lots of injustice in the world. Look at these poor people in Palestine, these poor people in Ukraine. I mean, the world is unfair and it's unjust and it's difficult. And so let's pick each other up, let's love one another, let's unite. That's their technique, you know, is to divide and conquer, you know, black, white, gay, straight, christian, muslim, on and on and on, and then break them down even further. You know, until everybody's fighting with everybody, we're just one cell of humanity. Okay, we have 50 trillion cells. Well, there's 8 billion cells which make up the thing of humanity, and we're all in this mess together and we've got to unite, you know, and that's what drives me crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, I always say we're one big ecosystem of love. Yes.

Speaker 2:

The problem is the fear has gotten too much into here. We're starting to believe in the fear. What is fear? False evidence appearing real, but they use that to divide us. So that's why we have to move out of here, move into here, realize that we're a powerful spiritual being with direction, dignity and purpose, and then unite and through love, through love and service.

Speaker 1:

You know, one of the greatest teachings I've gotten from plant medicine has been move all your senses to the heart, see with the heart, hear with the heart. So it's easier said than done, but if humanity as a whole would be able to move their senses to the heart, I think this world would completely shift, completely shift. And to your point about division and war and everything that's happening, I have a peace treaty. If you don't mind me taking one minute to bring light to that to the listeners, it's a peace treaty that's been on changeorg since a year ago, right now. So I had a patient come in actually and he said to me God says you could be doing more. I said, well, if that's not clear enough, I don't know what else is. So I was like okay, god, I got the memo. So, yeah, sure enough. Now I'm sending it to to Senate, to the government, to like I'm being a lot more active.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go in person to the offices, I send out certified mail and every time I'm a guest on a podcast, I make sure to make it a point that that is one of my highlights. Before I say anything about my programs or my books, that's the first thing I talk about. It's a 10-year peace treaty for all of humanity. Guys, we all need this. It's a butterfly effect. If it happens in one end of the world, as a matter of fact, not even that. If it happens in any of the kingdoms plant, mineral, anything it affects all of us. Anyway, I'm not going to get too carried away. If you want to help us, go sign the peace treaty, don't change. That org is on my Instagram. It's the first thing on my Instagram, literally when you click on our bio. Please help us. It's one signature. It doesn't cost anything, it's free.

Speaker 2:

What's your Instagram handle?

Speaker 1:

Quantum Alchemist, master, beautiful Thank you. Yeah, and it's not about me per se being the master. It is about encouraging everyone to become their own powerhouse, their own masters, their own healers, their own by looking within. I am so. It disheartens me to see people give their power away. Um, and I'm not going to get into into any theories here, but look within, look within within, okay. Whether it's meditation, breath work, medicine, I don't care. The route, whether it's a nature, immersion, silence, retreat, I don't care. It doesn't? That's not so important.

Speaker 2:

Try to make space to quiet the noise outside, okay because you know what they do with all this divide and conquer they create victims, okay, and we're either. We're either we're either all victims or none of us are victims. Okay, so pick your poison. The truth is, we're powerful creators, but when you're a victim, you've given that power away and now you're lost and you got it. The tough part about saying, okay, I'm a powerful creator, I got to own everything I've created in my life, okay, my cancer, my well, my bankruptcy, my broken relationships, whatever it is, I got to own it. But once I own it, I've now taken my power back and now I can fix it. Okay, I can manifest and create the life of my dreams, that's. And I tell you. I will say this I probably sat face to face with over 200 cancer patients and in very intimate settings, and I would say almost a hundred percent I'm going to say a hundred percent, but it might be 99 or 90, but they all said cancer was a gift.

Speaker 2:

It woke me up to the bullshit of my life and it told me what was important and what was, and it just it's amazing to me, but that's what it took, that's what it took for me. We have to go through these things to evolve and to grow better. And that's okay. It's not going to kill you. Just go through it and get to the other side of it and you'll be amazed at the person that you've become.

Speaker 1:

That's beautifully said, you know. You mentioned gratitude. And actually let me just pull up up. It's the first thing I ever do. When I wake up in the morning, I actually have a gratitude playlist. Literally it says I don't know if you could see it, but it's it.

Speaker 1:

Literally says gratitude gratitude and then I have a whole playlist there of my gratitude and and I want to recommend you guys a song. It's the first song I ever listened to when I wake up and you know, you know something is really on your subconscious mind when the first thing you do is you, it's either whether I'm also saying the mantra I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. And then I added I love myself, I'm grateful. I added those two things to the end of that, so I automatically play the grateful song. I'll share a link for you guys and then I say that mantra over and over and over, walking my dog. That's the only thing on my mind. I don't think about to-do list or nothing. I am just saying that mantra as I walk for like 15 minutes and that's the only thing that's in my mind.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude changed my life. My setting hasn't changed. My job hasn't changed. My status hasn't changed. I've changed. I thought that was bullshit, by the way, because I was like something so like seriously, like something so simple, like gratitude. It can't be that simple. We want to complicate. It has to be hard, we we want to over complicate it, and that really changed my life.

Speaker 2:

So I recommend that and I agree with that I mean, there's's like hang on one second, let me get rid of it. Did I lose you?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I'm still with you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Sorry, I got a call and it comes through my computer, so now I got to find the link again. Zoom, zoom, zoom. All right, there, we are Sorry about that. Let me turn my phone off because you're probably going to call back. It's Marcy who's the general manager here. So you know Dr Joe Dispenza. He wrote a book called Breaking the Habit of being Yourself. So what does that mean? And one of the sayings that I love is that you know to create a new personal reality. Okay, if you want to change your personal reality, you need to change your personality. And what's your personality? It's what we think, what we feel, what we act and what we do, right, so we have to change that. And then everything starts to change. And now, if we can come up with a game plan from our heart of what we want to manifest, then we can really change our personality and create that personal reality that we really, really desire, and gratitude plays a big part in that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, mike Guys. Literally, this is the famous secret to manifestation. He's literally telling you and if you want to like actually know more, just look into the creation frequency we're going to link. Can we link the course and can we link the book? Is that okay?

Speaker 2:

as well as from your bio, and also I have an app on apple I have it. Yeah, I recorded my stuff there, yeah it just, it just frustrates me because, apple, they're making a change right now, everything they do. I got to go spend $10,000. And so I'm getting but if the app isn't working, sometimes it doesn't work for Google or Andrew, but beautiful.

Speaker 1:

It's right there, guys, and this is amazing. So that's the next thing when I come in and I go into meditation, I put it on and I go right into it.

Speaker 2:

And what she's talking about, you guys, is she's written out what she really wants in her life as if it already exists, and then she just listens, ideally first thing in the morning, when we're in theta brainwave state, hopefully at the end of the night, but it really doesn't matter, because you're telling the field what you really want, you're telling your 50 trillion cells what you really want and you're manifesting in in your mind. Is you feel it, you see it, you vibrate at it, you attract it? The heart is the magnet, the thought is the. The electrical energy that goes into the field matches up with other like-minded thoughts and people. The right teacher shows up the right funding, but it's the heart, it's the gratitude, it's the love that draws it back. That's the magnetism and that's the magnet that brings it back. That's the magnetism and that's the magnet that brings it back to you.

Speaker 2:

I'll never forget this man. He said Mike, you come here one hour a week for seven weeks, you'll get everything you want. I'll never forget the day when I realized, my God, I got everything I wanted. You know, like in four or five years, everything I mean, and my dreams were like almost impossible. You know the intentions that we wrote out as if they already existed. So if it can work for me, with a guy with eighth grade education with really bad programming, it can work for anyone.

Speaker 1:

Wow. I don't know if you want to leave the audience with anything else, but I feel like that's beautiful to close with Perfect Hi. We've given you everything in this episode. Literally all the tools you need are right here.

Speaker 2:

Can I add one thing that I think is really important.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like. My sixth intention had to be around contribution. So I promise you, no matter where you are in your life right now, I mean no matter how bad you think it is there's somebody much worse, there's billions, millions, if not billions of people much worse. Ok, so just find something where you can go give an hour of your time a week to something. Find a cause. You know Byron Katie, she taught me, she said you know, if you want to get rid of your ego, do three things anonymously for someone every day. Okay, Anonymously. So now there's no ego involved, Now you're pure love, pure service, but contribution. Find someone to help, you know, and you'll be amazed at the blessings.

Speaker 2:

You know, the Bible says it comes back flowing, spilling over, pressed together. Whatever that verse is right. But the truth of the matter is you can't out-give God and when you give, it doesn't come back one to one, it comes out 5x, 10x, 20x. And even if you don't have money, you have time. If you don't have time, you have a smile, you have love. You can always find something to give. And that's just a change in your mindset. That's an easy thing to do. And find a way to just give to somebody every day something, whether it's a smile, walking an old lady across the street, visiting people in an elderly home that don't have anybody, writing an inmate a letter, whatever it is. Just find something, Get out of yourself, Do something for them, and if you're doing it to get blessed, you won't get blessed, but if you're doing it out of pureness and intention of serving and loving humanity, you'll be amazed at the blessings that will flow to you.

Speaker 1:

You know, that is when I was at my worst. I don't remember. I think it was a video somewhere that I saw that said if you're feeling like you're in a bad place, whatever, go do something for someone. And I went to I don't remember if it's One Heart, I think it's called One Heart Foundation here in Miami, and it's just her, her husband and her mom. She's Latina, I think she's Cuban, and the three of them feed over 100 people under the bridge here, the homeless people. And I said you know what, let me go try. And I went there. I think I did it six times and every time I went, every time I went, went, I was like I started to feel better about myself and I started to be like, okay, there's a bigger purpose for us here, like we're here to contribute, to be of service and well, I'm not gonna get to woo with us too much, but, final thing, we're all god in human form, okay, um, so at least there's a, there's a piece of the creator in all of us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that breath of life, that's when that heartbeat started. Okay, that's in here, and so that's what we got to tap into that's it.

Speaker 1:

It's pure, unconditional love. It's your essence, it's who you are, um, it's really your nature. There's a lot of conditioning, and I include myself. It's a daily work. It's the work, the Byron, katie, the work. So you know we're all still doing it.

Speaker 1:

But find something. And even if you don't want to contribute in any of that way, we all have conversations every day, we all meet people every day. So just be present and be intentional with that. You know, maybe listen more or maybe give a smile, or maybe have a deeper conversation, or maybe don't want to simply take from the other person, but what can you give? So just little shifts. It doesn't have to be anything major. Um, yeah, like this has been invaluable for me. I love it. It's a beautiful mirror, um, and I honor and I love what you do. The moment I heard about your work from Tara that we have a mutual friend, dr Tara, thank you, and shout out to you, and I was like I got to meet that guy. I told her she said, yeah, you guys are going to hit it off, it's going to be great and sure thing. Here we are. So I'm grateful to her, grateful to you. Thank you for being on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

My name is Esther. I look forward to seeing you in December.

Speaker 1:


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