Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Tom Paladino- Is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida.

Rosalia Season 2 Episode 10

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Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. Scalar energy is
the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and
universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life
force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar

He theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and
that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points
of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized that
scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by
this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and
physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy
instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.

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Becoming Your Own Quantum Alchemist Master:

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Speaker 1:

Hi, tom, welcome to the Quantum Alchemist Master Podcast. It's a pleasure to have you here. I'm very, very excited to hear not only about your journey, but about this wonderful technology that I've been reading a little bit about and would love to hear more about from you and your journey. And how did you get to this, to discover this wonderful tool that you're sharing with the world?

Speaker 2:

Thank you, rosalia. It's a pleasure, honor to be here. I want to speak to the audience about technology. It's scalar technology, it's a type of energy from the sun, from the stars, and before we get into it, I want to present that this technology has the ability to change the course of history for the better. Technology, when used appropriately, will help mankind. That's what we're going to discuss today, about helping mankind by way of technology.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. So, tom, tell me a little bit about, even like, your early days. I know maybe that's not you know, but I like to hear a little bit about that, just to see how like you know how was your childhood, where you're from and kind of like how your life went. You know into which studies did you go into, and then where was that pivotal moment where you're like, okay, well, let's do things differently. Sure?

Speaker 2:

Thank you. I had a wonderful childhood, very fruitful, very blessed childhood. I'm blessed and during my formative years I was always very inquisitive. I always wanted to know why. I always wanted to know the underlying meaning. I really was a deep thinker I still am today and with that I developed this knack for curiosity, intellectual curiosity, which is very important if you're going to devote your life to research. You have to have a drive, you have to have some sense of curiosity, to know something. And that's been my key, that's been my pole star throughout my life to be able to be curious, to always read, to always educate oneself. So important, so crucial.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. So I understand you're very curious. I understand to me like having a childlike mindset, and that curiosity will open so, so many doors for us. But tell me, did you study anything in particular at the beginning? And then, when was it, at what point, that you got interested in what you do right now?

Speaker 2:

What fired my imagination at a young age was the research of Nikola Tesla, the great scientist, nikola Tesla. Many of us recognize him as a genius in the scientific community. I assume it's a genius in the scientific community, and when I would read about Tesla what he achieved to this day he's unparalleled. Nobody can match him. When I would read about his work, I said to myself this is the technology that will change the world. That's the key. What is the purpose of technology, of research? To help people. So I'm not only a researcher but I am humanitarian.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, give me a second. Let me tell my son to put this in. Do not disturb, give me one moment here. Apologize, somehow it's connected to this computer. He might have been on here before. Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it was Nikola Tesla that fired my imagination. I read about Tesla, I wanted to develop Tesla instruments. I have a Tesla instrument behind me in my laboratory and with this technology, the function of this technology, the ability of this technology, the reach of this technology is incredible. Today we look at airplanes, computers, cars, iPhones.

Speaker 1:

Those instruments, those technologies have their place in our lives, and I'm saying Tesla technology will have probably even a greater impact on the world, absolutely no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

This is not electricity and magnetism. This instrument behind me acts like a star scalar energies from the sun and the stars and so I've developed scalar energy instruments that can harness that energy, control it and then amplify it in an immediate environment. This energy is so strong. The instrument is functioning. Now it illuminates a light bulb in my hand. So that's what I call free energy the energy of the sun and the stars. Now, if I can take that energy and not only light up a light bulb but light up the city, then we have free energy. Now, with that in mind, if you recognize there are no wires, you don't need wires. You don't need cell phone towers, you don't need satellites, you don't need any type of armature, you don't need any type of motor. The energy is from the stars. So this is free energy from the stars, without the need of an expensive distribution network infrastructure. You don't need an infrastructure. This free energy paradigm will change the world. That's the avenue that I'm traveling.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I love what it stands for and what you're trying to bring and birth into the world. I do believe Tesla was initially going for free energy as well, so this is absolutely beautiful and has the potential to change our world for the better if we use it for that, with that intention and that purpose. Now let me ask you. I know a lot of people have questions in regards to like EMF or radiation or any of that type of stuff. Now, you mentioned it doesn't have cables, since from the sun is from the stars, but still I want to ask the question if there's any probability, like, if you put a detector next to it, does it emit any radiation or anything out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good point. There's no radiation, there's no chemicals, it's non-physical. This is what I really like about scale energy. It's not a chemical reaction. There's no electrons or protons involved. It's intelligence, divine intelligence. So when we work with this energy, we don't have problems. There's no inherent problems. There's no radioactivity because there's no mass. It's masses. It's non-physical, it can't harm you because information cannot harm you. Chemical can harm you. You don't feel it necessarily because it's non-physical. You'll feel the after effect, but in application it's invisible, massless. It's spirit energy. That's what it is.

Speaker 1:

So I have two questions now that popped into my head and I'm going to have probably a million. So get ready for this, because this intrigues me. I'm very curious as well. Number one do you put this behind you, the instrument out in the morning to get sunlight and then to get you know from the moon, or no, it's automatically, like somehow it's.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'll explain its function. This instrument can convert electricity into scalar. So I can plug this instrument in pointing to the instrument. Once that energy, that current, is received in this vacuum tube, that vacuum tube changes the energy into a scalar wave. Then we can, through that Tesla coil, we can broadcast the energy anywhere in the world, anywhere we want to, without the need of a satellite. So imagine if you had a cell phone tower that could broadcast energy to the entire world, or some type of power plant that could broadcast energy anywhere in the solar system. Well, that would be a great advantage to mankind.

Speaker 1:

That would be amen to that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so we have to get over fossil fuels. I realize that we need a safer way of transporting.

Speaker 1:

We need a better way of communications. We need clean energy. This is the future Clean, free energy, no carbon footprint, no deleterious side effect, because it's non-physical, there's no chemicals. It's a new way of living. That sounds wonderful. Let me ask you, what is the range that you can power? I don't know if I'm explaining myself well with the current prototype that you have right behind you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to answer it by saying this scalar energy is omnipresent. It's a different dimension. So once you enter into a scalar energy dimension, there are no impediments. There is no distance. Everything is interconnected. It's holographic, so there is no distance to overcome. I can easily access a distant galaxy instantaneously.

Speaker 1:

I love that. It reminds me a lot. I had a near-death experience. So definitely my perception of the world has shifted quite a bit and definitely I resonate with a lot of what you're saying that oneness, that interconnectedness, no time, no space, you know, just the quantum field.

Speaker 2:

There is no time, there is no space. You overcome it. The only way you can overcome that was with this type of divine energy. Scalar energy is not of this world. It's God's light, it's divine energy. It knows no impediment, there's no parameter, there's no boundary. Now consider that with this new energy field that we're going to explore and eventually utilize, there's no barriers, there's no impediment. We overcome time and space.

Speaker 1:

So in that note, what type of experiment or results have you had with this? Because I imagine you know this, and then we'll talk about how it came to you. Right, if it was channel downloaded or however it came to you meditation, breathwork. However, it was Like what type of results or experiments have you done with it to kind of play around with it and see like what can and cannot be done?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great question. So when I work with this energy, first of all I have to give the credit to God. He gave me the wisdom. There is no college class. There is no textbook. This is all groundbreaking. I don't blame the audience if this is the first time you've ever learned this. I understand it's groundbreaking. It's never been done before. I'm the inventor. I've discovered this process.

Speaker 2:

Now, to be clear, I work with this instrument to improve health, quantum health, energetic health, not biological health. And when I work with a scalar energy instrument, I never work with people, which is flesh and blood. Biologically, I work with photographs of people. I'm going to hold up my photograph. There's an energy field, a signal, a signature on my photograph. That's what I access the aura, the force field, the signature of a photograph. Why? Because my biological body is now imprinted on a photograph. My soul, mind and body is imprinted on a photograph in the quantum field. So we don't work in the electromagnetic field, we work in the quantum field and hence, when we work in the quantum field, we access quantum energy through a photograph. It's an entirely new process. It has nothing to do with medical science or health sciences. So when I can access a photographic force field. There are disease signatures on the photograph that I eliminate. If somebody has cancer, I can identify the cancer signature and negate cancer.

Speaker 1:

Very nice, that's very impressive, number one. Number two are there any examples of any cases you maybe want to share with us, without omitting, of course, any confidential information?

Speaker 2:

Not a problem, I'm pretty much open to that. I've been working with a community, an HIV AIDS community. It's called Own Precaution. I'm going working with a community, an HIV AIDS community. It's called Om Prakash. I'm going to show a photograph. This is a photograph of some of the people in Delhi, india. It's an HIV AIDS community known as Om Prakash HIV AIDS community. I've worked with over 5,000 people in India who are HIV positive. Many of them are from this community. After working with them, the people tell me they feel much better. Their CD4 count has increased. Many of them say that they no longer have a viral load for HIV.

Speaker 1:

So I actually come from a background in healthcare. I'm a nurse practitioner, I've been in healthcare for 10 years, so of course, this very much intrigues me, as well as everything else. I think we're here to tip that balance, to co-create with the source, um, our individual and collective reality, right? Um, and just just this process of evolution. So I love when I have guests that are doing this groundbreaking work in the world, um, I, I find it simply fabulous, um, it's, it's the kind of people I like to have on the show and just interact with. So, in regards to the quantum field, for example, I have a signature program which I'm not going to go into right now, because I want to focus on what you do, but I want to see how. I don't know what you have to say in regards to what you do and how that's different, et cetera, because I do work a lot with energy work.

Speaker 1:

I do access Akashic Records, quantum Field, and we go into zero point. So we go past life, parallel life, and we just go into whatever the fractals of the soul is and as many lives as it is experiencing itself. Whatever access we're given, right, we don't have access to the great mystery in completeness, at least not at this level, consciously. At another level we do, but not this. But whatever we're able to access, we try to go in as deep as we can into the subconscious, mind, collective unconscious, and we just kind of like layer it and really go into different dimensions and try to explore the quantum field as as much and as safely as we can. Um, in regards to that, um, we do tap into, you know, different guides and different things and we do provide and we do get um, a lot of energy healing, a lot of quantum healing, to to say it in a different way. So how is energy healing of that source different, maybe, than with this?

Speaker 2:

You hit the nail on the head. This is the Akashic record. This is the all-knowing Akashic record. Now what's my point? How can I take photographs of people from India and the energy will find their aura or their Akashic record? Man can't do that. This is divine energy, divine intelligence. This is how it works. I'm going to explain.

Speaker 2:

If I take a photograph of the HIV virus, which is an energy field, an energy signature, and I place it in the instrument side by side the photograph of people which are energy field, an energy signature, and I place it in the instrument side by side, to photograph the people, which are energy signals, the energy signal of HIV is detected in the energy field of the people and if the people have the energy signature of HIV, the instrument negates the energy signal of HIV in the energy signature of the people. We're only working with energy. It's not a biological process. How can I do that? Through the Akashic record, through zero-point energy. Can man do this? No. Is this a chemical process? No. Is this electricity? No, this is the Akashic record. This is zero point energy. This is the new branch of physics in which we work with the intelligence, the divine intelligence of a virus. Identify that divine intelligence in the people, on their aura, in their Akashic record and negate that Akashic record of HIV.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful and one of the things I have been shown is well, I can only speak for myself, but for me and close people that I have been able to tap into and see, um, we also have a sacred geometry that represents our soul. For example, mine is this one right here, ah yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's very interesting, aside from the aura, how we have different inference right and in our soul. Um, and in a different session I was able to access my soul blueprint, the seven bodies completely separated from each other and able to kind of tweak and move and and stuff with the help of my guides and stuff like that. So I do believe the quantum field is, is a, is the future, um, you know, to, to, to, to learn, to explore. It's like the one of the things I I feel like there should be more funds for research, if that makes any sense, or or I I just feel like there could be so much groundbreaking positive change in the world in that realm, even though it sounds woo, woo and cliche, I mean it's hard to prove unless you experience, like unless you're in one of our sessions. I mean, and you've lived it and you experienced it, it's pretty hard to prove, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you Now let's be clear Free energy. Tesla wanted free energy for the road. You tap into the stars. You don't drill for oil, you don't build a nuclear reactor, there's no wind farm, you don't put solar panels on your home. It's free energy with a free infrastructure, free energy with a free infrastructure. And this is going to be a clash for those who want free energy and those who want to keep the existing paradigm when new technology comes out. There's a clash, inevitably.

Speaker 1:

And the more money that's at stake, the greater the class. So now let me ask you how did this come to you? Or how was it through a dream, or through like, if you're able to share, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Want to. I received messages from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. They've given me the wisdom, the infused knowledge. This is not taught by academia. You're not going to find a university textbook. There is no university textbook. It does not exist. The intelligence, the education is from God. Only God can teach this.

Speaker 1:

That is so, so beautiful. So has there been an incident in your own personal life or story you can share that you've used it on?

Speaker 2:

yourself the signature of bacteria and fungi and I eradicate them. I know my sinuses are clear. I never have nasal congestion. I don't have flus. I'm not sick. I had back pain from sports injuries. I no longer have back pain. The energy has ascertained the signature of back pain and has relieved me of back pain. I have no back pain. I don't have to take any pharmaceutical drugs, pills none. I'm in great health. I don't need surgery. I'm vibrant, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm medication free. That's a living testimony, as well as the 5,000 to 10,000 testimonies that we've received over the years. People are happy. The proof is in the pudding. Thousands of testimonies.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. So I do see, mostly it looks like a almost like a profile picture or, like you know, kind of like the upper, like the face, and is that the type of picture you work with, or is there like a full body picture that you work with?

Speaker 2:

We only need the face. We tell people just keep it simple, you don't need to take your shirt off, just your face. I like that. It's a photograph. Why? Because it's your skin. It's you, just a facial photograph. Because skin energy recognizes your skin, your nose, your eyes. It's all the same imprint. It's all the same identical template. So we're working on the level of information a template, okay, and a signature Every person has a unique template, a light signature as unique as their fingerprint, as unique as their DNA.

Speaker 1:

I agree. So have you been shown in any way, maybe through meditation or however you connect with your guides, how this may affect the quantum field, the Akashic records of the person? Quantum field, the Akashic records of the person, the seven bodies are just different karma, dharma type of like. Have you been shown that aspect of it, or yes?

Speaker 2:

this is a scalar way to take a good look. It's by way of time lapse photography. It's a double helix. It's a spiral that creates and maintains our spirals of chakras. Our chakras spin. Our chakras are vortices. They spin scalar energies of vortex. It spins, so the spinning of scalar energy spins, and programs are chakras. You get it. So this is instructional. Scalar energy instructs everything. It even instructs our DNA. Scalar energy is the master intelligence of the universe. If you look at these two models, our DNA is the same ratio and proportion. It's a spiral of DNA. A spiral of scalar energy creates the spiral of DNA. That's how important this energy is. Of the stars. It creates our genomic forms.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you, let me ask you this Okay, is there any way that I can, aside from the podcast, help get this information out, aside from sharing it on social media, because this, I do believe, has the potential to positively impact the world, maybe to a much greater scale than we anticipate?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it does People like you. To be clear, this is a grassroots movement. Keep in mind, I'm one researcher. I'm not funded by anybody. I don't want to receive funding from anybody. I want to keep this clean. It offers great potential. Thank you. Your podcast is wonderful and I ask the people in the podcast audience if you want to alleviate suffering in the world, help me Take a look at that test result.

Speaker 1:

How can we help? How can our audience help if they're interested?

Speaker 2:

Tell people, tell your neighbors, what we're doing. I have a website in which we give away 15 days of free scalar energy sessions. I'll prove it that this works. Anybody in the world is entitled. It's no obligation. Upload your photograph, email your photograph, and we'll work with you, your family, even your pets. That way, if you feel a difference, you feel some type of improvement, then you'll tell your neighbor. Your neighbor will tell your neighbor what am I getting at. This is a grassroots movement. It's a numbers game, frankly, and the greater number of people that get involved, the better. This technology will change the world. If you want to alleviate human suffering and if you want to improve your lifestyle, help me.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So tell me more about. Are there any courses, books, more information, healing sessions, Like what is out there that you offer if people are interested in getting in contact with you?

Speaker 2:

Go to my website that has a compendium. I've written 300 articles on the website.

Speaker 1:

Could you share it? Could you share it for us, for those that are listening, maybe?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, scalarlightcom. S-c-a-l-a-r. Scalarlightcom. Visit the website by all means. Look at our 5,000 testimonies, read some of my articles and then please try the 15-day program. Email us your photographs. I say that you have nothing to lose but your disease signatures. You have nothing to lose but your germs. So try it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and let me ask you this If somebody wanted to go past the 15 days, are there like courses or packages or sessions?

Speaker 2:

After the 15-day trial, we offer 30 days of sessions month by month. There is no long term commitment. We want people to come and go as they please. The purpose of the website is to introduce and educate people. It's an open door policy that I have.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's beautiful and very kind of you to share that. So when someone does join the 15 day, how many sessions can they expect to receive during that time?

Speaker 2:

Every day. I work with people 24 hours a day. One hour a day. I detect disease signatures and I negate disease signatures. The second hour of the day I balance the chakras. I detect disease signatures and I negate disease signatures. The second hour of the day I balance the chakras. Remember, this energy is so strong it can balance our chakras, our brainwaves. And then the remaining part of the day this energy will, if you will, download nutrients. Scalar energy has the ability to send a nutrient energy into a person. I'm going to explain what I mean. This is glutathione, a photograph of glutathione. Remember, I use photographs, I don't use chemicals. A photograph has the Akashic record. The light force, energy of glutathione is on a photograph. I match up my photograph to glutathione. Those two energy fields communicate. It's not a chemical process. It's a scalar energy process in which my aura, my Akashic record, accepts the Akashic record, the information of glutathione. So it's a new way of the nutrition not by way of chemical, not by way of food, but by way of energy.

Speaker 1:

Okay Now and I'm sorry to say this, but I want to make sure I'm always authentic and honest and inquisitive when I have guests, even if it's a bit uncomfortable. So let's just say what would happen if, instead of glutathione, you would use a different imprint? That is not I'm not saying you would, but I'm saying, in the case that that would occur, that you would put in a different code, a different picture that is not for the highest and best of that person. Is there the possibility that something wouldn't go as well?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, this is not a toy. Yes, this is why I guard the technology. Yes, it has to be used appropriately, for the highest order, for the highest good. You're absolutely correct. So, with that in mind, I guard the technology. This is not going to go out to the general public. We have to introduce this appropriately to the proper people, to the proper circles. There are some circles that I don't want to work with. I don't trust.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for saying that, for speaking about that openly. I do believe that any harm we do to another, we do to ourselves. That's the bottom line.

Speaker 2:

You're right.

Speaker 1:

You're right. There's no difference in my perception of things in regards to how I perceived and how it went through my near death. You judge yourself, so whatever you do, it's your own consciousness that's going to basically haunt you. Um, in a sense, um. So there's really no scaping for our actions. Our behaviors are our follow you.

Speaker 2:

You're right, you're, you're. You know a lot of people. They just dig a pit, a deeper pit, throughout their life. They don't realize you know, you might, you might want people to join you in that pit, but believe, believe me, that pit is very deep you have dug that pit.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that, and I referenced my near death so much just because I find it so relevant to the information that you're sharing. Like, literally it's. It goes a lot with it, and and I just want to invite people if this resonates with you, this is a wonderful, wonderful tool to try. They have nothing to lose. It's 15 days. Send your picture. I'll make sure to share it on my community as well, on the chat and stuff aside, like our own personal stuff, in case people want to send over their, their pictures and and try it.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm going to try it as well. See how I feel, um, and I'll let you guys know how that went. Um, and and thank you for the transparency, for just um, sharing the the good, the bad and the ugly about it and being very responsible with the technology, because I think in the past that has been one of the detriments to a lot of stuff, whether it's the pharmaceutical industry or other technologies that we possess is all about the intention and the use that we give it. Especially with AI, I feel like a lot of the result or the new world we're creating with that will have a lot to do with our intention behind it. It will learn from the model that we give it. So, thank you so much. It has been an honor, honor. Is there anything else that you want to share with our guests? Uh, any last words or anything you want to encourage them to do or look into?

Speaker 2:

my last words of this let's unite. People fight too much. Let's unite and united, we will change the world. I want to change the world for the better. That's why I've devoted my life to this technology. So let's put all of our differences aside. Let's work together. That's why I have a grassroots movement of people working together no nonsense, no chicanery and, frankly, no evil influence. I want to bring this forward with people, with a group of united people. Unite with us, work with us.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. And just for I don't know if it's peace of mind, but for the logical side of our brain, how long have you been doing this for?

Speaker 2:

My life, 50 years. I'm 64 years of age. My life that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

It's your life's work. What a beautiful imprint in eternity that you're leaving for humanity Well, I would say for the multiverse. But I want to try to keep it, you know, understandable here.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

All right, wonderful Is there. Could you please tell us again? You know the website just as a little bit of like reminder of people where to go, in case they're driving or they need to kind of note it down scalarlightcom.

Speaker 2:

Anybody in the world can email us your photograph anybody and we'll work with you for 15 days. After 15 days of continuous sessions, you will feel better. This energy will energize you. I know it's different, it's avant-garde, but try it, you'll feel better. It's free, no obligation, and then please pass that along to your family and friends.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, tom. I appreciate that. I hope this gets out into the world as fast as possible. I feel that we don't have the luxury of even though we are eternal. I feel like we really need this right now. We're going through crucial times.

Speaker 2:

You're absolutely right. People are suffering. I have an answer for much of that suffering.

Speaker 1:

What's your 10 cents on that?

Speaker 2:

Well, man, there's 8 billion people in the world. We can solve our problems. If 8 billion people work together, we can solve all of our problems, or the greater majority of our problems. The big problem in the world today is we fight. If 8 billion people work together, we'd be unstoppable, but we fight.

Speaker 1:

That's our problem, if you don't mind me taking away the spotlight for a moment, is I have a 10-year worldwide peace treaty that I want to invite you guys to sign and look into if it resonates with you. It's just a signature, it's on changeorg, that's all, and I do want to grow that request so that it can get out to world leaders. But in reality it's to humanity, it's to 8 billion leaders. It's really directed to all of us, because we have more power than we think we do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we do, we do. Thank you Bravo. Keep up your good work learning from you.

Speaker 1:

I'm still like processing, integrating. I need to rewatch this again to kind of grasp even more information from what you've shared with us. So, thank you, thank you so much. It's an honor having you here today.

Speaker 2:

My pleasure, thank you.

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