Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Javier Loredo- Infinite Searcher

Rosalia Season 3 Episode 1

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If you are interested in contacting Javier here is his email: jlore00@aol.com

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Speaker 1:

Javier, welcome to Quantum Alchemist Podcast. Wait, do you want to do it in English or in Spanish? Most of our podcasts are in English.

Speaker 2:

That's fine.

Speaker 1:

We could do it in Spanish.

Speaker 2:

We could do a little Spanglish or you know, however it flows.

Speaker 1:

And you know what? We're going to keep this in there. We're not going to cut it out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is how we mastermind. The podcast is very organic. It's really conversation and tea. There's not much more to it getting to know beautiful souls that come into the space that somehow, although we're all connected, it's just divine timing as well. Right, because I've heard about you. Um, I saw you on a podcast here with paulo. Paulo come over, say hi. Um, this is my dear friend, pablo. This is his studio, by the way, where I record a lot of the courses, a lot of the podcast stuff here. Thank you, pablo, for the space. Appreciate you very much. He's also producer. He does a lot of our of our audios, meditations and stuff like that. So if you ever need it, reach out to pablo, I'll put them below as well.

Speaker 1:

So I came around your book and a podcast episode you did with Pablo. Like no, pablo, how long? Like six months, eight months, yeah, more or less. And right away it caught my attention his poetry. I said no, I have to read it. I have to read it. And it caught my attention the symbol that he has outside his book, because this is the symbol that represents my soul. It's a sacred geometry and I was like, very interesting. Whenever I see him, I'm going to ask him about that symbol as well, and I kept that there. I came here, did many sessions in my course, didn't think about it and I don't remember how exactly it happened. I asked Pablo, pablo, let me have his number. I don't know. Like two weeks ago, I don't know. Let me have his number. I don't know, like two weeks ago, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

More or less?

Speaker 1:

And I just reached out to him out of the blue. He doesn't know me in this incarnation yet up until today, and here we are, so it's really, really a wonderful synchronicity. I'm honored to have you.

Speaker 2:

Can't wait to hear your story. Thank you very much for your opportunity and to be able to share, and thank you for the space, pablo, you know I appreciate it. So, yeah, all is in order. You know, in the true flow of things, when we are in harmony with all that is, everything comes together in a perfect dance. So it's just being able to be aware, to live it. You know, because the key is not to stay in the intellect but to bring it to the practice. And I'm basically, like my great teacher said, once you realize, live, live in order with those laws that represent God, that represent the universe, represent the universe. So I would like to thank you, and thank you and all those that have made it happen for you to be here, for us to be here.

Speaker 1:

So, thank you so much. So I would love to get to know you on a deeper level, even your childhood, like where you're from, a little bit about your childhood and pretty much kind of like your hero's journey, whatever you feel like sharing and how you got to where you are today. As a matter of fact, I don't even know what you do.

Speaker 2:

So if you just want to tell us something, well, I could start with the remembering as being maybe six years old and laying in. I was born in Cuba, um came to the States. My parents brought me, uh, in 1983, I was nine years old, Uh, but I, uh, I lived those nine years, uh, those nine years, in a state that I could recall infinite. When I say that is my most precious moments or memories come from me and I probably feel a lot of us have done that, okay, but to me it was a reminder of what I was looking for, and I remember sitting in my parents' house in Cuba and I would be not sitting but laying in the floor, okay, and just looking outside without no thinking whatsoever. It was just a moment of ah. It was an aha moment. There was no, no tension, there was actually the whole sound just diminished, and that stayed in my mind for many years.

Speaker 2:

For many years I was lucky enough to have been accompanied by a great teacher, my brother, and he, I think he was more aware, you know, in this incarnation, and he was one of those that reminded me, or kept it alive, that there was other things, more than what we were able to perceive with our five senses. So that state of uh-huh that I just described to you guys stay with me. For up to now and throughout my years I have come to the realization, through what I call the hammer, to realize that there has to be another way, a simpler way. So I started researching. Of course I went through what they call dark nights of the soul and I guess at the beginning I didn't take it real like for real. You know, this will also pass. But then I saw myself again in those moments and at one point in my life I said I made a, a, I made myself a. How do you say A stamp? What was all this if we were here just to live and be and that the question of God is bad is good.

Speaker 2:

Look at everything that is happening. And then I made an infinite proposal, not only for this physical plane. Wherever I was aware of, I would always get those questions and that realization. So from that moment, well, I did my things. I studied art. What kind of art.

Speaker 2:

Multimedia de todo tipo de arte. Eso fue high school time. Tuve oportunidades de poder ir a Francia scholarships, Eso en 89. Y bueno, por una razón u otra, no lo cogí. No, no, Sentía el arte, pero decía bueno. Veía a las personas que estaban viniendo.

Speaker 2:

I didn't take it. I felt the art, but I saw the people who were coming from Europe. In reality, they weren't living it and I said, well, I need to do something. That is a little mystical. Without knowing it, I always took myself to look for human behavior. So I entered psychology. I entered psychology from the most subtle aspect to the most drastic aspect. What I'm telling you is that, from family counseling up to state hospital clients, People with incredible karma, so I could see a spectrum in my life of what is the subtlety of human law, and that reminded me of how important it was. Y eso me dio una gran me recordó que era lo importante. Y desde ahí cogí el arte como un hobby Y entonces le puse.

Speaker 2:

I put my attention in the psychology or psychiatry. About 30 years later, I decided that that was really something that I needed to leave behind. Why? Because I saw this movement in psychology and psychiatry, that it was basically one of those revolving doors. You know that left out the most important thing, and that is, keep in mind. Right now, in the psychology field they're introducing a little more of mysticism and spiritualism in that arena.

Speaker 2:

But back when I was, it was very mundane. It was many treating the symptom but not the cause. So at that moment I was going through some things. At that moment I was going through some things, I left all that, the career, behind, and I again came to the crossroads and I made again a choice to give all my attention to a true knowledge what had brought peace in my life, what had brought a paradise in my life. And that doesn't mean that things were okay because people perceive like, oh, you're in paradise, so everything is fine. No, what that truly means is that you're such peace with yourself. You understand why things happen, you understand how the laws of the universe work and why somebody's suffering and the other one's not. So that brings you to a higher self of awareness and that brings peace within you.

Speaker 2:

It might sound a little egotistic to say well, that you know you're in a different level, but it's not. It's basically a fact. You know, throughout my years I always what kept me was that child, that inner teacher that still did not have the vehicle or the programming to express himself okay in this realm, but it was already connecting to the all in that floor, just in a state of meditation, what I feel I call it, and it was natural. So I felt that that was something very powerful and I tried to imitate that through the years. And I found a great teacher in my life by the name of Santiago Aranei, un maestro ascendido, and for some reason I started paying attention. I started paying attention and I started taking his introductions to this knowledge.

Speaker 2:

That is a knowledge that comes from, it's a pure knowledge that comes from the old. It's the original old Egyptian studies, Okay, and that comes beyond, in the Atlantean times, but it was more developed and put into lessons in the Egyptian times. Of course, not for the masses. This was something like it's now. It was something that very little people looked for. So I was blessed to be able to remind myself through that studies, and not only through the studies but to the practice. Uh, this knowledge is, uh is introduced with very simple techniques, very simple techniques, uh, and that's why it's hard. It becomes hard because the ego always wants to complicate things. It wants to always. It cannot be that simple, it cannot be just, it has to be more. So I went through all the studies. I was blessed to be able to get initiated in the highest levels, get initiated in the highest levels, and I was given the opportunity in the past years to be able to share that knowledge.

Speaker 2:

It's not for everyone, it's for those that are seeking something extremely pure. You know about helping. We need to be very sure that that's truly what we're doing Because, remember, sometimes we have, you know, beings that are there and they need help. But we need to realize that by taking away the lesson or the karma that they have created from themselves Okay, we're noising, they have created from themselves Okay, we're noising, but if we come and just take it away, what you're creating is more habit along the line for that individual or that soul, Because it's not going to clear the karma, it's just going to make it better.

Speaker 2:

If we all know, whenever we haven't really seen an issue and we haven't really reflected on it and somebody just oh, your mom helped you and or your brother and everything, you find yourself in that position. Worst, maybe in two days or maybe in 10 years, yes, so discernment needs to be key, you know? Uh, so it's important. It's important In this sense of this journey. It's basically our whole work is to introduce this knowledge that all it does is it reminds you of all the levels of existence within yourself. Okay, how the universe works, how the universe of God works, how man's mind body. It's very complete. We go from the self, from the microcosmos into the macrocosmos. Okay, Like I say, this journey, or this study of this knowledge, what we call it's very complete. You know, it's not for you to if you want to, yes, go out there, but it's basically for you to find yourself within the universe and at one point you're going to find out that you are that universe, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, yeah, so by simple, uh, like I say it's, it's an individual journey. It's an individual journey. I call it because I was talking about the polarity a little. We're going back and forth but, um, I see a lot of. I try to stay away from a lot of external stimuli when it comes to realizing. I'm not saying the external is bad, I'm not saying it's bad to meditate on a flower, no, but you have to prepare yourself for what we're getting To understand.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing? Because you might be imagining and not visualizing, two different things. Okay, imagination I'll give you an example is you're driving home and you're imagining you're going to have an ice cream cone. You can still drive. Visualization. You can't do that while you're driving. You're going to crash, because visualization is you're projecting your consciousness that all it is. You're projecting your consciousness that all it is in the universe is consciousness in that moment in time. So you cannot be driving. So it's important to to prepare yourself intellectually and spiritually for that awakening that it's only the first step. Everybody's looking for enlightenment and they don't realize it's the first step. Why? Because the true step is how to stay here, how to live with enlightenment.

Speaker 1:

You know Rem does. He's done so many, he had done so many trips with LSD and all these, all these things. And he was just saying, after doing all of this, for for this many years it was all about the here and now. And all the great sages throughout time have realized the Buddha, sitting under the tree right he was carrying two buckets of water got enlightened. What did he do? Come back to the here and now, grab the tree right, he was carrying two buckets of water, got enlightened. What did he do? Come back to here now, grab the buckets. Kept going.

Speaker 1:

So it's how we embody, how we anchor, how we integrate all of this enlightenment. And for me, enlightenment to me is love is really just love. There's no separation or anything, it's just love. A person who lives, who's very poor, who has no certificates, who opens their home to you with a lot of beautiful love and receives you and gives you so much love, to me that is the same as anybody who has whatever certification and whatever amount of money. So to me, enlightenment is just operating from love and embodying love, sharing that with others and being more in alignment with your higher self, with your soul, with whatever it is. But it's all in the here and now, but once you, I think, also our questions and our quest to look outside. Whether you do plant medicine, meditation, whatever you do, um, we'll eventually kind of circle around. From my perspective, which is ever-changing, I you know, um, it could be different from everybody, but in my opinion it has brought me back to the now, to this moment.

Speaker 1:

the great teachers, uh, from the ancient egypt used to say so I totally we had to stop the two technical issues and we went off rambling about alchemy and about the inner work and all these things. But, as you were mentioning this pure teaching that you were initiated in, carry on. So what if someone wanted to to reach out to you and find out more? We're going to put it in the description, maybe your email or however they can reach out. Um, is this something that you're able to share with others that are ready, that are open, or I believe in the law of correspondence okay so everything is in order.

Speaker 2:

It's something that has not been given to the world in mass. Okay, it's something that's very because, like I say, those teachers in the past knew what was going to happen in every area, the energy, how everything was manifest. So they kept this very hidden from the masses, how everything was manifest. So they kept this very hidden from the masses. I only gave how can I say open to that knowledge to those that were truly seeking how? By initiations, by being proven, you know, by being proven. So, yeah, I mean, at this moment, we started sharing this knowledge. Actually, it's in Spanish, okay, okay, it's in Spanish. There's 10 levels and each level is a realm of existence. It's at least in my experience, and I have not only put my attention in one knowledge, but I have, throughout my life, I have seen, and by the work of my great teacher, he simplified everything and noticed that there was a line between all religions and all concepts that cross themselves, and that's what was given to those that seek the truth back in the ancient times in the schools.

Speaker 2:

We meet once a week in the Holiday Inn Express in Airport Lagoon for about an hour. It's seven o'clock to eight o'clock um. This is not a church. This is not it's you go there. All we ask is a 12 donation just because we need to rent the space. That's it. I don't lucrat, I don't, I don't charge for this. The day that I do is the day that I stopped doing it, you know. So I don't.

Speaker 2:

This is not something to, um, you know, I'll say a form of, uh, economical sustent. Not at all. It's just uh, uh, a mission and um. So you go, you sit down, you hear a class and then you just go. We'll do a meditation, we'll do the practices of the exercise that it's giving, like it was given back in the days, and you go home and you practice. It's an individual journey. If you stop going, nobody calls you. It's such an individual that that's why this knowledge is not for everybody, because it's you.

Speaker 2:

It's actually a study to become a spiritual teacher, not based on anything external, but how, diablo y el hombre Dios Identificarlo y saber dónde vivir Y que no nos arrastres? So once you identify those polarities between ourselves, then we could sit in the middle and observe and from that aspect you're going to be able to flow, you're going to be able to truly live, not just speak of it, but truly live paradise, because you'll be more como decía Maestro, how the teacher said, said you could see things coming ahead of time because with this study is a very organized and it's in order and basically what it does is it doesn'tgrams you Okay. It's basically an understanding of stop living through the idea of the mind and what everybody has said in the past and still living and start living through your higher self. You stop following no matter what anybody says. That's when you become the salmon.

Speaker 2:

You go against the current and everybody's saying go here, go here, for you there's something. And when you start living like that, out of the blues, you don't have to say much. People out of the blues just say what, what are you doing? What you know, what are you doing? What you know? What are you up, what's going on? So it becomes, it simplifies a lot of things. So that's our mission. We do that every Thursday.

Speaker 2:

So the ones that are, welcome you know, they're welcome to come and enjoy us every Thursday at 7, 7 to 8 at the Holiday Inn Express by the airport.

Speaker 1:

We'll put the description below on the on the show notes how you guys can can contact him directly. Um, so I have two things to to kind of deepen in regards to what you just shared. One is how have you transitioned this in your really close relationships mean your family, your partner, because coming from a Cuban background I can relate 100% and later I'll share a little bit of how my spiritual awakening in my own journey, how that has kind of changed the dynamics in our family. It's a ripple effect, right, they see the change in you, they start asking you questions and but once again we come back to the same thing.

Speaker 1:

You can't take the horse, force it to drink water Same thing. So I'm just very curious as to how this changed within yourself. I was given a map of consciousness by my guides and I'll share it with you. Really, the ending of that is self-reflection and then that connects to the super consciousness and in the end, but it's all about us, it's not outside of us. So how has this inner change in our work reflected on your close circle?

Speaker 2:

First of all, there's something that needs to be, I guess, mentioned, and it's the fact that, when you're going to start this journey of remembering, I don't think we need to learn anything, I think it's just basically remembering. Okay, you need to prepare, we need to prepare ourselves, because too much light could blind you. Okay, so what I mean is you need to prepare your vehicle, your body, okay, your mind and the spirit. It needs to be prepared because you're going to show yourself certain things that, like you mentioned, not everybody's there, and, remember, people call enlightenment. You know what enlightenment is? Living the world behind, because you stop acting, you stop acting, you stop feeling, you start living in a complete different realm Because, keep in mind, all of the realms are here, all of the planes, this material world is a spiritual world. Why? Because all it exists is energy. So, being that said, you have to prepare yourself to the fact that nobody's going to understand you.

Speaker 1:

And be at peace with that.

Speaker 2:

So there's a word called permit. You need to permit to be that way. By actually not saying anything and be vibrating in peace and in harmony, you might be showing a lot of people around you what they, once, before they even incarnated, were looking for. That's why they came to our family. Okay, uh, keep in mind, the ego doesn't like to see those things and that's why the mystic needs to, needs to. It actually changes and it gives a lot more power to the silence, because it understands that you cannot. It has to be an individual search. It has to be individual want. If not, it's not going to work.

Speaker 2:

In all our lives we had many situations of people giving you things without you working. You take it for granted, you throw it away around the corner. So this is something that needs to be put. It needs to be individual. When you realize that there's no tension, when you realize that there's no tension, you know there's a difference between the mind and the higher self, and this is one of the big errors of humanity. Humanity thinks they're their mind and their mind is actually a vehicle.

Speaker 2:

That's it. It's a vehicle.

Speaker 1:

Actually, if I may interrupt you there for a moment, we're really consciously operating at 5%. 95% of that is your subconscious and your unconscious, Aside from infinite planes of existence, dimension, your higher self having multiple experiences as a fractal of your higher self, and so on. We're not going to complicate it too much, but all those infinite multi-layered of this multidimensional biegwe that we are are all here in the here and now.

Speaker 2:

Where we want to be, where you want to be. Do you want to play and live with the hammer all the time in the polarities? What I mean by the polarities is the mundane God's when he created the universe, the material universe, because God's universe has always existed. It's infinite. We're talking about the material. It was polarized, god polarized itself.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and either you live in the polarities, el cachumbambé cubano here and there here and there, through hits, through pain, through suffering, through the hammer that I call it, or you observe in both, you learn how to observe both without tension, and you're going to be able to discern where you need to go. So, going back to the family, you're going to find yourself around people that the ego, once they see light, or all this divine, or this harmony, or this peace within themselves, if they don't have the tools to get there, they're going to try to fight it. So what I'm saying is it's okay, Even if it's your family, just by being in harmony with yourself, not pushing anything to anywhere, you're doing the mission Because it's a reminder to them. They might not like it, they might get you out of your life, okay, but that's what you need, that's what everything is corresponding. So when you live this life, you understand that everything flows and there's no bad or good. It's just what we all need to realize how to truly live. So, by my new techniques, I'm talking about two minutes, two minutes, I remember. You know, sometimes they tell me well, I'm going in a trip to the Himalayas, I'm going to pay $20,000. And I say, okay, you want to do that, that's fine, there's no bad or good, but you have it all right here.

Speaker 2:

Remember what is meditation? Meditation is basically being able to lower the volume of the mind of the thinking. Okay, because all thinking is programming. To lower the volume of the mind of the thinking. Okay, because all thinking is programming. What I mean by programming is something that somebody already thought of. Okay, you're just repeating it, no matter if it sounds, if it tastes good, no matter if it's positive. You know, don't matter. Illusion could be positive too. You know.

Speaker 2:

Remember that once you tune out all that programming that people don't even know they're thinking because it's 24-7. Once they identify that and they could bring it down just by using very simple exercises, you start hearing your true self and from that aspect, you don't have to think about living anymore, you just kind of live. You know, many times we've gone through issues like driving and something just tells you go through here, and we never listen to that guy, we never listen to that intuition, we always no the thinking and then we'll go. Oh, so when I mean true living, I mean el cachumambe.

Speaker 2:

The ego is no longer in the high. You're using the mind to be a source of divine manifestation by your higher self, not your lower self, your life starts changing completely. But when I say change, it's not how the ego perceives change, because for the ego, change is always something good. You know, it might be not that good, but that's what we all need to be able to. Okay, this is not where I'm at, this is where I need to be. So don't tense yourself as soon as you tell yourself okay, people are not understanding me, people don't see this as something that it's with them, it's fine, let it be. Just concentrate in your inner and everything will fall like the domino into place.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and like I was saying, remember that time and space is an illusion. Not because it doesn't exist. Okay, people think that you know, there's always two languages, there's a spiritual language and there's the People think when they say an illusion, it's because it doesn't exist. It exists because when you have a toothache, you have to go to a doctor. It's painful. So it does exist.

Speaker 2:

What is an illusion is that our perspective of what time and space is is not what it is. So, because when you lower the thinking that works with time and space, you lower it, you start hearing your higher self. Okay, in that state of no, it becomes no time and space, it becomes infinite. So you don't need to do, and I'm not saying this is bad or good, I'm just saying you don't need to do meditation for an hour. You don't need to do, and I'm not saying this is bad or good, I'm just saying you don't need to do meditation for an hour. You don't need to do yoga for two hours. Just that you go into that, that you're able to identify the thinking first and lower it gives you paradise.

Speaker 1:

Do you think we can share with our listeners a couple of tips. I'll start, if that's okay, all right. So I've done a lot of techniques um to to quiet the outside distractions and go within um, one being meditation. My meditations always vary it could be a five minute meditation, it could be an hour and a half meditation. I never really know um going into it. I give myself enough time, but I really don't know what's going to happen in my meditation. And everybody meditates differently. I want to point that out because his meditation could look completely different from mine.

Speaker 1:

Some people may be able to just be in that blank space, what I call the space between the space, and that's beautiful. That's fine. If it works for you, it's great. Some people see thoughts flowing like clouds. That's great too.

Speaker 1:

There's no right or wrong way to meditate or to do any of these practices. It's very individual. You have to play with it to see what it feels like for you. For me, when I go into deep states of meditation, my third eye opens and I see everything like a movie. So for me it's very different. It may be different from him, it may be different from you.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're someone who feels, who feels lighter, who feels just like stress is lifting out of your body, or many, many other different ways. You could use breathwork. You could use breathwork techniques that help regulate your parasympathetic and bring you into a rest and digest state. Or maybe you want to activate your sympathetic nervous system because you want to start with energy in the morning, and maybe you like to start with breath of fire or whatever it is for you right Depending. By the way, if your nervous system is not regulated, do not start with breath of fire. Okay, we want to regulate the nervous system first. Make sure you're in a safe, stable space before working with activating breath sequences.

Speaker 1:

You can go out and walk in nature, you can paint, you can do art, whatever gets you into that flow state. You can just go to park and lay down in the grass like go to the beach, it doesn't really matter, it's whatever gets you to lower, like he was saying, the outside distractions. If you want to go deeper, you can go into a darkness retreat, into anything that it's like a sense deprivation, right, and allows you to go deep. You can go into trance from drumming, from, from many different things. Um, so it's just anything literally, that silence, silence, retreats. You're just being in silence for a few minutes. Um, there are many, many, many ways.

Speaker 1:

Just find yours, find the one that you like. Start with that. If it's too heavy, too much for you, you don't have time. You have the kids running around you don't start with that If it's too heavy, too much for you, you don't have time. You have the kids running around, you don't have. Start with five minutes. Five minutes every day. That's it Of whatever resonates for you. Start there, see what happens, see how you're. Or maybe you just want to start with a gratitude practice in the morning. That's fine. Find what works for you, but it's an inside job, guys. That's one of the most important things to remember.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, an example. Sometimes I like to get examples of practical things that we live in Because it's easier for the ego to comprehend. Knowledge has to be dogmatic because it needs to. The ego needs to realize, needs to have vocabulary, needs to have concepts. And then, okay, but imagine yourself. All you need to do is imagine yourself in a lowrider 1980s, 1990s lowrider, with a bunch of bass in the back, okay, and you have the volume all up and you're driving by the street and there's people calling you out hey, come by. You can't listen you.

Speaker 2:

Just what I'm saying, saying is because that noise is so constant and so loud within ourselves, our own thoughts, that we cannot see the opportunities arise. We'll pass by. It's like being in a concert and it's too loud and you come out and you can't hear very well. Meditation is only lowering that knob, that radio or that music. It could be like I say very, it could be an instant, two seconds, because, remember, as soon as you able to lower the thinking, you're there. To lower the thinking, you're there. One of the key things that's very powerful is we use visualization, but then that's after we realize the power of it, how to use it, and from that higher state of mind, not from the noise, because you can use visualization from the noise, from the ego.

Speaker 2:

Remember, the ego is very how would I say? It lies to itself completely. The teacher used to say that in the 1980s in school they used to put these round things for the projector and the slides. It could build itself as the biggest mystic or the victim. It could change. That's why dieting doesn't work if you're doing it from the ego perspective, because today you're saying one thing and then the ego changes and tomorrow is something else. So the key thing is to be able to identify within both, because today you're saying one thing and then the ego changes and tomorrow is something else.

Speaker 2:

So the key thing is to be able to identify within both. Who are you giving life to? You know, either ego that's going to drag you, like it's dragging the world, or you're going to go at your own pace because you have identified a higher self in you own pace, because you have identified a higher self in you. So two seconds, because as soon as you lower that, you're there, you're in that moment of peace and harmony. Just let it be. You might have days that you might need to do that 20 times a day, and that's fine, okay, the most you use your will. Very powerful thing. That's a characteristic of our higher self, the will that we're using all the time. We're using it all the time but we don't know we are and it's dragging us to what the ego wants.

Speaker 2:

The key thing is to be able to identify and use it for your higher self. So the mind and the body follows that higher teacher. As soon as you do that, you start living in another way. Nothing is bad, nothing is good. It's what you need. You know, if you need a hammer to wake up, okay, you'm, okay, I'm gonna be here to send you light. So it's very interesting. It's very important for you to identify really who you truly are, truly, truly and I tell people you know a lot of people are like, well, I'm always thinking positive. And you started with something at the beginning saying, uh, about a book, that's something about the unlimited oh, did I ever?

Speaker 1:

did I ever finish my train of thought on that?

Speaker 2:

the zero point okay, the zero point no, zero limits okay, zero limits.

Speaker 2:

When you, when we identify that thinking mind that's out of control. Program, the one that tells you don't go into the beach because you had a banana and your mom told you 50 years ago that you're going to have a thrombosis because you wait and you're going into the beach. You're no longer going to live your life based on you know, either a clergy, nothing. You're going to be your higher self. Even if you go to the doctor and tell you you're going to die in five months, it's not going to happen.

Speaker 2:

It's true power and, like I say that power, it brings a very. How can I say it's very? It comes to the individual responsibility. That's why sometimes we say it's not for everybody, because not everybody's ready to leave everything behind. Leave all your luggage. What I mean by luggage? I mean your name, what you do for a living, all your programming, all the stickers when somebody comes to you, how they see you or how you see yourself. You have to let all that that go. That's synonymous to sound on the speakers programming. All you're doing is lower and all that so you could hear that higher self.

Speaker 1:

That's unlimited so we have a meditation, if I may interrupt for a moment um, and a lot of in our breathwork events, um, we start off by saying, okay, so we're going to peel all the layers of ourselves and we're just going to throw it in the most vibrant fire you can think of, right, and we start peeling off being male, female, your religion, your race, being a mother, a daughter, being your profession, and the visualization we guide them through is just to take out all these layers and put them in the fire and we, after naming many layers, we go and just finish and staying like you see a second sun, like a ball of fire, just the essence of your soul, chi, prana, energy, you know, and just at your core, right, and from there we can have a beautiful journey, but we have all these programming, all these masks that have helped us to survive, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

It's needed. If you don't have that programming, you cannot. Pero le dije y el momento que la moto no te arranque. ¿qué pasa? Bueno, eso es todo lo que pasa cuando tú pones todo, when you put all your marbles in the external world, in the vision that keep in mind, what you said is completely, at least to me, it's a truth, a higher truth. All we perceive outside is what you have. Like my grandmother used to say, it's a projection. You know, we used to tell my grandmother, listen, that person is a thief. And they used to tell me what? No, he's not a thief. Why? Because that wasn't within her. You just tell me what? No, he's not a thief. Why? Because that wasn't within her. You're seeing the thief because you have that feeling within yourself. You're able to do that also. So you don't like it in yourself and you hate it outside. But really, everything external, it's a means to come and bring that responsibility towards you.

Speaker 2:

We were saying that about the journey, okay, and the great teachers used to say that the whole purpose of God creating the material world was for not one soul to be left behind. However, god doesn't have anything to do with your journey. Okay, you are that, that is. You're also god, seeing himself from that perspective. So you could change the journey, you could change your journey, but the outcome is always going to be the same we're always going to get there. So that means that you could live incarnation after incarnation, going away from your past. That is only one path for everybody. It's reminding who we truly are and who are, what our natural essence is, and live there. We will all realize that at one point, some will take thousands of incarnations, some will take less, but that's the thing. You could change the journey, you could change the path, you could give it colors, but at one point you're gonna get back in line. So if, from this aspect, you get used to not giving so much power to the vision but to the feeling, meditation should be about feeling, not seeing anything Okay, because your ego could play tricks on you. That's right. So once you get to identify that true voice that's not even a voice, it's just a uh-huh moment everything goes in order.

Speaker 2:

So what I'm saying is we have different journeys and everybody chooses differently, but at the end we will all get there. Some all beat up. That's what we don't want. Pain, suffering through the polarities and one straight, you know through Malkuth, you know the kingdom, you know that's in correspondence, we'll get there, you know it's in the same line. So that's what we want to be, and that becomes effortless. Now what's hard is that nobody's there.

Speaker 2:

Because I've come across many friends, family, and they're like well, I don't look at negative stuff, I want to look at only positive. And I tell you well, you're setting yourself for failure because that unlimited one could observe everything, could observe the most horrible thing, but you're not attached to it, you observe it like from a distance, like you're sitting on a movie theater watching. So when you only put your attention In one polarity, in the positive, like, a lot of people are like Well, only affirmation, all positive, oh, I don't want to see TV, I don't want to see this, don't tell me about this You're bringing the other polarity without knowing. My teachers would say Be careful. Be careful Because when? Be careful? Because when you're asking and you sit with happiness and you want happiness, automatically sadness sits across the because. Yeah, god's laws, this material world is polarized. It's polarity, negative and positive. People have positive as a good thing and negative as a bad. We need to start seeing as energy.

Speaker 1:

It just is.

Speaker 2:

Your body's negative. Your higher self or your spirit is positive. The mind is like a middle.

Speaker 1:

It's all balance yin-yang. Coming back to that becoming the observer.

Speaker 2:

But at one point or another, you have to leave everything external behind, because that's what happens when we all leave this realm. So that's when it comes die so you could truly live. You don't have to wait 10 minutes before you pass to realize, when the ego just comes down because he knows what's coming and then you realize, oh, oh, my God, it was here and now. Instead of all this sound, instead of just concentrating on the positive or I could observe all that is true freedom, because nothing moves you. And that doesn't mean that you don't have compassion Actually, you have a lot of compassion and you start working with the people around you you know the nucleus, your family. Start working with the people around you you know the nucleus, your family, that are actually the people are. Have that how can I say? Align with your karma and your mission, not out there, it's really your nucleus, you know, and just by being the best of us, without one word, being in that state of harmonium, you're already helping tremendously. I'm sorry, and I'll give you an example.

Speaker 2:

Back in the day, scientific got, went to an island and picked up a monkey. You know a race of monkeys and they showed that in an island. They show those monkeys how to clean the potatoes before they ate it, what happened? The whole monkeys around earth started cleaning the potatoes. So there's no separation, there's a cosmic consciousness that's in awe. So sometimes, by us doing the work, we don't have to worry about it.

Speaker 2:

Everything is being and we're bringing everything to a higher level of consciousness and, like I say, it's simple. The only one that wants to complicate is the ego. So it's just identifying those aspects of yourself and do a true how can I say como dije ahorita un propósito? To say to yourself, I'm going to identify this, both aspects of me, and I'm going to, at one point, once I identify it, I'm going to live in order with the laws. And from there now, when everybody's screaming and happy, you're in peace and you're in harmony. When everybody's sad and I don't know what to do, you're in peace and you're in harmony. When everybody's sad and I don't know what to do, you're in peace and you're in harmony. That's true. That's true power. That's true power and it doesn't lie. It does and it doesn't, but it doesn't really truly lie in the external world. It's all within ourselves. The external world should be only a reminder of who we truly are.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for sharing all of this wisdom with us. Thank you for being a guest. And before we kind of get caught off here in the ending of this episode. I would like to know what this means for you. The symbol.

Speaker 2:

Well, the circle means representing the ongoing, okay, the circle of life, the ongoing death and the continuum, because really there's no death. Okay, the mystic knows that even in the dream state you're a continuum. Okay, so, basically, the continuum, uh, the triangle facing down is the spiritual world, okay, that's why, in some symbols that you see the illuminati, you know that it's all being confused by the ego, because there is an illuminati but it has been confused the those dark ego entities. One of the things that they do is how to distort things, how to distort the purity of the symbol. So you would not know. So that's why the only symbolic is the spiritual world. When you see a triangle facing down, it's the spiritual world. When you see it facing up, it's the spiritual world. When you see it facing up, it's the material world. Why the Illuminati has the eye, the unseen eye, meaning it's a good thing and a bad thing. That's why nothing is an extreme, nothing is black or white, because that might represent that, the unseen, you realizing who you truly are and living correspondence in the material world. The other way is, basically you in a conscious level of state of consciousness in the spiritual world. That's what it is.

Speaker 2:

That's why the, the symbol, um, the jewish? That's really not. That doesn't even come from the Jewish, they've gotten from there. But it comes even further from the Autantian times and what it represents is both the harmony between the two polarities. That's all it is. It doesn't pertain to the Jewish or to this or to that. It's all been confused in some ways. There's all that has a lot more symbolism and a lot simpler explanation to it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, the other is my teacher, and just the fact that that's a reminder and, um, yeah, that's what it is. It's harmony with the spiritual world. It's not really. You know, a lot of people tell me well, you know, I want to live to the countryside, I don't want to the spiritual world. It's not really. You know, a lot of people tell me well, you know, I want to live to the countryside, I don't want to live in this realm. It's so dense. Well, our key is not to move away. Our key is not to go to the mountains, guys. Our key is to be a teacher in the city, being able to flow where density is not escaping from it. Everybody wants to escape from it.

Speaker 1:

You know Now that you say that I've been so I work with a lot of Not only psychedelics but other non-psychedelic plants Like bowing sauna and just many different ones Okay. And a lot of these plants are teachers. When you meditate and connect with the spirit of the plant, they have a lot of beautiful teaching and um. I was connecting with spirulina, which is the one I'm working on uh with right now, and one of the big teachings and reminders is plant uh, grow where you're planted, which goes right along with that um.

Speaker 2:

People don't realize that in the seed, you have the tree, you have the fruit, you have the leaves and you have the roots. So it's basically everything is already. We are that seed. It's what you surround yourself. As a fertilizer, nothing is bad. You could be the worst, it's just going to take you longer. As a fertilizer, nothing is bad. You could be the worst, it's just going to take you longer. That's all Not a bad thing, but we're here to share and to especially for each one of us to really truly get to identify what our individual mission is and, eventually, what our group mission is.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Javier. A pleasure to have you Same Thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for your invite and thank you, pablo. Thank you, thank you, guys. Thank you Bye.

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